28 May 2018 at 11:16 #1 Habakkuk Habakkuk Associate Joined 7 Feb 2017 Posts 1,016 RIP lil' buddy 2010-2018 Should I replace it with another 500GB one, or has there been some advancement in the technology since I bought this one? 8 years is a pretty good high score!
RIP lil' buddy 2010-2018 Should I replace it with another 500GB one, or has there been some advancement in the technology since I bought this one? 8 years is a pretty good high score!
29 May 2018 at 19:23 #3 Habakkuk Habakkuk Associate OP Joined 7 Feb 2017 Posts 1,016 It was working fine until I moved it off the shelf - it may have lived awhile longer left stationary.
It was working fine until I moved it off the shelf - it may have lived awhile longer left stationary.