WD Raptor 74GB XP Problem!!

26 Oct 2005
Just received a Raptor 74GB drive and so want to install XP Pro onto it. Initial setup is fine, into the blue screen section, create partion, format and copy files. But when it boots up and tries to go into the next section of install (Gui with mouse) it displays the XP loading screen and then at the point it should go to the next part it blue screens everytime.

Is this a dead disk or is there some pre install drivers needed or something else entirely?

Thanks........... Alastair.
When you say it tries to boot but then goes to 'blue screen everytime' do you mean that it starts the installation thing up again or you get a BSOD (blue screen of death)? If it goes to the installation thing each time then you need to take the XP disc out until it starts to boot of the hard disk and then put it back in.
Wish it was that simple, but no Blue Screen of Death everytime. Can't remember the exact wording of the error, but is something like can't load managment console.

Have you checked you RAM? I had a similar problem when I installed xp with a new mobo was fine until the windows gui install bit came up. At first I thought that I had jiggered my graphics card. Noticed on about the 4th try with random bits plugged in that it was because the RAM wasn't seated properly in the mobo.

i got the same sort of problem with my 150gig raptor, when i try to install the OS (XP64 or XP32) it does this

1: disks loads
2: partition/format setup
3: copy files to C
4: check files on C
5: reboot
6: Error loading Opperating system

That sounds right, I tried it again last night and copied down the error:-

Stop:c0000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Session Manager Initialization system proces terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000026c

Anyone help with this?

Overlag said:
i got the same sort of problem with my 150gig raptor, when i try to install the OS (XP64 or XP32) it does this

1: disks loads
2: partition/format setup
3: copy files to C
4: check files on C
5: reboot
6: Error loading Opperating system


i found my problem, it was to do with the drive being set in CHS mode, instead of LBA..... (a bios thing)

to reset this i needed to compleatly wipe the drive.... ie right 0's to every sector
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