WD Red vs Red Pro

22 Feb 2014
I know this argument has probably been done to death, however.

I am currently running a 6 x 2TB RAID-Z2 array using NAS4Free.

the 2 oldest drives are WD Greens, closely followed by 2 x WD Reds, and finally 2 more WD Reds that were added to increase the array size 3 months ago.

The array is currently up with no issues, however I was not as knowledgeable when i first set this array up and the greens were originally left with their default config that parks the heads after 8 seconds of idle time.
I did amend this a few years ago, however they are currently sat at about 495,000 load cycles (@5 years old).
I am of the understanding that the recommended life span is 600,000 cycles.

So perhaps it is time to replace these 2 drives.
I was just about ready to click buy on 2 x RED drives when i noticed in the description it said recommended 1 - 5 drives bays.
Further reading seems to suggest that this has possibly increased to 1- 8 bays, but the difference between REDs and RED Pros is that the Pros are designed to be used in racks, as a pose to the REDs only being designed for tower usage.

My case is in a "rack" but its purely home use and the only other equipment in there is routers/switches/UPS/Fans.

its quite a price difference £140 for the Reds vs £200 for the Red pros

should I replace my drives with standard WD Red drives or something better (Seagate Enterprise, WD Gold, WD Red pro, etc) or should I just wait until the drives die, they are all running fine and showing no SMART errors.
Pro's are useful for their higher throughput, but most importantly for their higher URE rate which impacts successful raid rebuild's at array sizes > 12TB. If I'm understanding RAID-Z2 correctly it's similar to conventional raid 6, so in your setup I believe pro's would be beneficial purely from the higher URE rate.
The pros will also be a bit louder and a bit hotter. I'd stick with the normals reds personally. I've found even the blues when altered with wdidle3 are scarily similar to the normal reds.
I've been running some calcs over the last few days and as i already have 1 x 4TB red its going to cost around £40 more to upgrade to 4TB drives for my RAID-Z array. (presuming I can sell the old drives for around £140)

still feels painful clicking buy on £460 worth of HDDs :(
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