WD2500YS RAID Woes

19 Jan 2007
You may recall in an earlier post I had a boot problem with my WD2500YS's in RAID 1.

Here's an update:

Everytime I boot up the pc from cold the ICH7R fails to recognise one of the hard drives, on the second boot it recognises 2 but has to rebuild the 2nd since it didn't recognise it the first time.

Needless to say since it takes a good 90 minutes to rebuild it is getting a bit tedious.

I trawled through the WD website and applied a firmware patch to each drive, the patch was specifically to tackle this known issue:


The problem persists. The WD diagnostics tell me the drives are fine after a full test.

I am awaiting a reply from WD at the moment.

Now then, since the ICH7R writes information to the hard discs when you set them up in RAID, should I take the HD's out of RAID and then back into a new RAID setup in order for the ICH7R to write new data including any of the firmware changes?

I have eliminated the PC's and RAID chipsets as I have had the array in 2 PC's now with the same problems.
An update.

Every morning when cold the PC fails to recognise one of the HD's, several reboots later it recognises it, then the RAID rebuilds itself.

So I took them out of RAID, installed windows on the known good HD and I still have the same problem with the PC recognising the bad HD until several reboots but at least the RAID array isn't there to rebuild itself.

I have ran all the WD diagnostics on the dodgy drive and they come up fine, obviously they don't work until after all the reboots to get the HD recognised.

If I connect the dodgy HD up when it's warm, mid afternoon it's OK.

Obviously I need to RMA it, it's less than 3 months old, but I can't find a fault.

The drive makes hideous noises and isn't recognised by the bios.

I've filled in the support request email stuff on the WD site twice in 2 weeks and still no reply.

Do I just RMA it?

Thing is if they test it in a warm room it's OK, just when it's cold in the morning it plays up.

EDIT: I'm hestitant to RMA it since if they test it in warm surroundings they'll just send it back to me.
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