We happy few.

1 Oct 2006
We Happy Few is the tale of a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial. Set in a drug-fuelled, retrofuturistic city in an alternative 1960s England, you’ll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who don’t take kindly to people who don’t abide by their not-so-normal rules.

Very interested in this, got a dystopian Bioshock Infinite feel to it. Instantly engrossed. Will be watching this closely. :D

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Interesting. What I can grasp about the gameplay from the preview link and screenshots puts me in mind of Sir, You Are Being Hunted, what with the permadeath, looting and crafting - but with a much more interesting aesthetic and set in a more populated and livelier world.
How so? It seems to me, they probably got this far and are running out of money. A half made game is a lot better than a lot of the projects that end up on kickstarter.

We Happy Few is currently aiming for a Kickstarter launch in a few weeks time, but the developers Compulsion games will be doing it to get some publicity and bring fans into the game’s development, rather than because they desperately need the money
Oh, I see. Publicity is certainly not what kickstarter was created for. However, is this any worse than the standard pre-order crap that EA shove down people's throats? At least this way people feel a little more involved in the game.
Dystopian Bioshock vs Don't starve rogallike-ish..... ticks a few boxes.

Cheers for the headsup, will keep an eye on it.
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