Poll: We`ve all seen them now. So whos buying what?

What console(s) will you buy?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 164 47.0%
  • PS3

    Votes: 127 36.4%
  • Nintendo Revolution

    Votes: 99 28.4%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 50 14.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 11.7%

  • Total voters
5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
This`d be good if the mods made this into a poll. :)
Here are your options people:

-1-Just a Microsoft Xbox 360.
-2-Just a Sony PlayStation 3.
-3-Just a Nintendo Revolution.
-4-A Xbox 360 & a PS3.
-5-A Xbox 360 & a Revolution.
-6-A PS3 & a Revolution.
-7-A Xbox 360 then another later.
-8-A PS3 then another later.
-9-A Revolution then another later.
-10-All 3 consoles on laungh.
-11-All 3 consoles evantually.
-12-I`ll decide upon release (see what games there are on launch).

Me, option 9.
Im definatelly picking up a Revolution. I love the Nintendo franchise games like Zelda, Mario & Metroid. I`ll pick up one of the other two as/when i find that one of them has several killer apps that im interested in. Which judging on past consoles (Xbox/PS2), means its likely that i`ll get a Xbox360.

What about you lot?
Will definitely get a Revolution just for Zelda & Mariokart :) Then probably a PS3 for GT and whatever else. Never been interested in Xbox and can't see that changing tbh.
13 - I'll decide a while after release :P

In the last range of consoles I just bought a GameCube - I also like the Zelda, Mario and Metroid games. I was disappointed that there were very few games I bought for it though. The XBox I've always had a secret hatred for, but I have to admit the 360 sounds impressive. I really prefer to have a PC, the only reason to get a console for me is games like the Zelda ones, which are not available on a PC. I had a PlayStation, but never bought any games for it, and I didn't get a PS2.

If I get one at all, it will be a good few months after they are released, and probably be a Revolution. Despite all the functionality it will give, I can't see myself ever playing online with a console, so things like XBox LIVE mean nothing to me.
I will only buy one. I have both a PS2 and cube and i just don't have enough time to play both and a PC. For me im still very undecided as its all hype at the moment. Im leaning towards the Revolution because you can't beat nintendo exclusives and the whole back catalogue available is very very tempting. On the other hand the PS3 is shaping up good and if it lives up to the hype might get my vote. The xbox 360 on the other hand just looks like better graphics. Nothing really new or impressive.
Well Xbox360 and PS3 will have launches at few months apart at best, so I will definitely get the 360 (probably on launch) and then see what the PS3 is offering when it comes out.

No doubt I'll end up getting the Revolution at some point too, but thats the one I'm least bothered about.
I'll definitely get the Microsoft Xbox 360 just after launch, then if I see any point in the PS3 I might get it, however I hate its new controler. :(
kreeeee said:

The PS3 is really unimpressive so far.

Going by what iv seen at gamespot and Ign i think the ps3 is the most inpresive out of the bunch.

Ill no way be getting a nintendo, i dont want a next gen console to play there old releases i want new stuff :)
I'm not pushed on any of them. Got really interested when I saw the kind of processing power they were capable of, and then really put off when I saw the kind of games they were using to showcase it (ie. shinier versions of the same old driving games and beat 'em ups).

Revolution perked my interest when they said they were all about the gameplay, not the power. Then what do they do? Announce new versions of Zelda and Metroid :rolleyes:
11. i'd probably have said just the x360 and the Revo, but i know i'll get a PS3 out of sheer morbid curiosity!
Definitely a Revolution - i love Nintendo, it would be stupid not to.

Then funds permitting i might grab either an XBox 360/PS3 at some point later if i want any games that aren't on revolution...
5-A Xbox 360 & a Revolution. - on launch - and probably wait awhile for PS3 to see if it suffers from any hardware failures - probably wait for the 1st price drop
9 or 3, depending on how media rich the Revolution is, and whether I have a house or not to fit them both in :D
11, but i'll probably buy a PS3 and 360 on launch and wait till the revolution is wayyyy cheap again
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