Poll: We`ve all seen them now. So whos buying what?

What console(s) will you buy?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 164 47.0%
  • PS3

    Votes: 127 36.4%
  • Nintendo Revolution

    Votes: 99 28.4%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 50 14.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 11.7%

  • Total voters
I'll be getting a Revolution and a 360. Probably both close to the release for each console. Which means ill be getting a 360 first and a Revolution later but i want the Revolution more.
10 - All on launch day. A bit of a tradition for me. May be more expensive, but at least you get to play the games for 6 or so months which others dont if they wait for price drops. I've also yet to have a problem with the early revision hardware. Given that there could be more than a year spanning the release of the 3 consoles its not actually that difficult to get the money together to buy at launch, lol if all 3 were released on the same day i'd still buy them :D
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Probably just the xbox360 and maybe a revo if it's around the £150 mark. PS never seemed to have any exclusive games that I liked apart from the Gran Turismo series.

Xbox soon after launch (first price drop maybe?) cant wait to get my hands on PGR3

Revolution after christmas (if its out then, cant beat zelda/mario/smash brothers for fun gaming!) then PS3 middle of next year if its got any decent games out for it
Poll added, though not the one asked for (you can only have 10 options in a vB poll). I voted for all 3, as I will get them all at some point. Xbox 360 is my only certainty for release date purchase unless the cost is stupidly high.
Nismo said:
Well Xbox360 and PS3 will have launches at few months apart at best, so I will definitely get the 360 (probably on launch) and then see what the PS3 is offering when it comes out.

No doubt I'll end up getting the Revolution at some point too, but thats the one I'm least bothered about.

Pretty much summed my feelings up on the matter :)
From what I read/watched yesterday the Xbox360 and PS3 are must buys,nothing at the Nintendo conference interested me except for the revolution which they didn't even show much of,but no doubt my little brother will get one
Well I really want a PS3, to have a blu ray recorder and console in one unit has done it for me - whehter you need a seperate tuner or not is neither here nor there.

It just depends on how long - if at all- Sony delay UK launch as to if I get one of the others in the meantime ( mind you saying that I believe Revolution is going to be even later release isnt it?). Really dependsd on how much M$ price 360 @ to see if I can stomach it as well as my PC - which by then will be about equivelant anyway - and just to play the same games.
10 -

Hopefully they'll be staggared enough for me to save up between each for the release of the next one :D

I think out of them all I'm probably looking forward to the PS3 the most (& I'm quite ashamed to say that as I HATE Sony with a passion) I think the advent of being able to use the Blue Ray stuff & that whacking Hard Drive appeal to me most, I hate that controller though!

But I will pre-order them & get each on release day.
most likly the revolution, ill probably buy a ps3 when the new FF game comes out but then sell it, not a fan of this numbers game sony and microsoft are playing atm tbh, revolution looks like the only one with potential imo
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