Weather: Nice, but bad for temps

BassJunkie said:
I can only assume you live somewhere really cold or you got air con..

Just outside Newport, Wales. The study is semi underground (house backs into a hill) and is on the north side of the house, so hardly any sun, plus the whole ground floor has floor tiles instead of carpet/wood. The house is solid brick built in the 50's and during the summer it can be ~10'c cooler inside than out. :)

BassJunkie said:
and that cpu must be a darn good revision..

Well it is only like 3 weeks old from ocuk. I started my build with an abit 32xmax wifi, but after problem after problem, random freezing, way way slow bios development etc, I just went for the evga. I had a feeling that the freezing etc wasnt a result of the cpu or ram. It'll probably go lower voltage too, I just slapped in 1.48v yesterday after doing the build and did an orthos blend run last night for 12hrs. I'll drop it down a notch before I go to bed tonight and do it again. :)

Nice m8! and Nice place to live to :)

I went from an Abit AWD9 Max to the DFI infinity, the Abit board ran a lot hotter and had to have more volts, for 3.6gigs stable it was 1.56 or over while this DFI board is doing 1.48v stable at 3.6. now i want a DFI Dark :( not because i need it because i want it... must somehow do it without G/F knowing lol.

So yes very impressive temps id be proud :D

Thanks for the info m8.
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