Web development

1 Aug 2006
mod delete please.

Last time i created a html site i used dream weaver many years back i still have a very old copy, but is there now a better free software option that will do the job ? or do you think it's better to use my old version of dream weaver.

Not sure what version it is i shall have to dig it out but it is very old.

cheers jay.
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12 May 2007
[best advice]
Spend an afternoon and learn basic html, css and if possible, a js library such as jquery. Within only a couple days, you could be hand crafting your site using one of the many popular and free text editors such as Notepad2 or Notepad++.

- HTML is used for structure and is really simple; anyone can pick it up with nothing more than a quick read.
- CSS is used for style and although it will take a long long time to master, the basics are quite easy and once you have your head around them, you'll be able to start pumping out sites while improving your knowledge/skills as you go.
- jquery can be used for many many things. Most often, you'll see it being used to rotate images, text, do animations but it can be used to parse json or xml data or even work with ajax to submit a form without refreshing a page. I recommend jquery over other libraries such as MooTools because it's by far the most popular and well documented library. I also think it's the easiest to learn, use and adapt, but that's just a personal opinion. While it'll be a long while before you're creating plugins from scratch, or even adding features to existing ones but don't let that deter you. There are tons of awesome plugins out there which only require a basic knowledge to put in.
[/best advice]

If you're dead set on using a free WYSIWYG editor, .....
[5 mins]

Okay, I swear that the basic version of Microsoft Expression was free to download but after taking a quick look, all I can seem to find are free versions hosted on sites like softpedia so maybe they changed it. Regardless, I'd still recommend you download one of the slightly older, but free copies of Expression Web. (Expression Web kind of replaced FrontPage but don't let that deter you as they're nothing alike.)
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12 May 2007
...or he could be super ultra crazy and do both considering they go hand in hand.

A great website with crap content is a crap website.
A crap website with great content is a crap website.
3 Jun 2003
...or he could be super ultra crazy and do both considering they go hand in hand.

A great website with crap content is a crap website.
A crap website with great content is a crap website.

Agreed. The thing is a cms with a decent template and some simple customisation (logo, etc) gives you a professional looking site in relatively little time.

Nothing wrong with learning HTML, PHP, CSS, JS, etc from the ground up of course. I'm just coming from the point of view that we all have finite time. Putting myself as an example, I know all of the above (not guru-level, but can and do work with them), but if I have to put a site up, unless this site has to do anything unique and special, the usual way is going to be a CMS and a nice template. Why re-invent the wheel?
12 May 2007
I agree with you there, and is actually why I put my advice in a silly little tag and then answered his question underneath.

I realise that templates can and do save many people a lot of time as not everyone has the time or ability to learn how to create a web page from scratch but even if someone has zero intentions of doing anything outside of their template, I still think it would be worth the 30-60 minutes of reading it would take to gain a basic grasp of html/css. At the very least, they may find that dropping in something as simple as a jquery plugin to be a lot easier.
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1 Aug 2006
Or install a CMS, choose a nice template and worry about the content instead.

That sounds like the ticket i will not be doing much site work i just need something to knock up a site for a friend.

Which CMS do you recommend if there is such a thing.

And many thanks to Tripnologist and others for there advice.

cheers jay.
12 May 2007
How large and what type of site will it be?

Unless there are some special circumstances, you may be best off using Wordpress. There are tons of themes and plugins available for it and because it's so widely used, you'll have no problem finding help if you run into problems.
1 Aug 2006
How large and what type of site will it be?

Unless there are some special circumstances, you may be best off using Wordpress. There are tons of themes and plugins available for it and because it's so widely used, you'll have no problem finding help if you run into problems.

Hi m8 it will be just a small site a handful of pages advertising used motorcycle parts but NO buy on line option it may become a little larger due to parts, all so he wants to update himself pictures e.t.c but i will end up doing it i think because he dislikes computers with a passion :)

Cheers jay.
12 May 2007
Wordpress is your best bet then IMO.
It's easy to use, there are lots of resources and chances are if there is something you can think of which you'd like to do, someone has already thought of it and created a plugin to do so.
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