Web scraping without permission is illegal. Hardly off topic, and certainly not drivel.
I was waiting for you to repeat that line about the CJEU's ruling, because on the very next paragraph you've failed to read:
The reading failure isn't mine, you're going round in circles - you've made an assertion you can't back up re: illegality, you've made claims re: copyright that your case shows to be untrue - the case related to breach of contract and was won by Ryan air as to use their website the company concerned had to agree to terms and conditions which they then broke, I've already replied to this - please note the last part of my reply. If you still don't understand then I'd rather you started another thread instead of carrying on repeating the same nonsense in here.
the issue here is you needed to agree to the terms and conditions on the Ryan Air flight before using it, this doesn't apply in my case, as is clear from your own link the data itself isn't copyright protected, it is simply factual information but don't let actual details get in the way of you cherry picking a case that doesn't really apply here. You've actually managed to completely misunderstand (or perhaps didn't bother reading) your own link as it doesn't support your assertion re: copyrighted material at all - the case is related to a breach of contract.
so again, as I've already stated previously - I'm not doing anything illegal and this doesn't concern copyright protected content just data/facts, if you've got nothing useful to add re: the actual thread topic/query other than ill informed legal opinion then please don't bother replying
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