Website design competition - Win £50

Any builders out there want to take part in my loft extension competition? £50 for the builder who converts my loft the best, you can even supply your own materials and use the resultant photos on your advertising literature!

Joking aside, not cool mate, if you want work done cheap go to elance or logoguru (and see what 'cheap' actually is, hint its not around £50). Not trying to be funny but please don't belittle what it takes to actually design a site.

This is great service if you want a draft page: and unbelievably cheap as its all done offshore.
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Any builders out there want to take part in my loft extension competition? £50 for the builder who converts my loft the best, you can even supply your own materials and use the resultant photos on your advertising literature!

Joking aside, not cool mate, if you want work done cheap go to elance or logoguru (and see what 'cheap' actually is, hint its not around £50). Not trying to be funny but please don't belittle what it takes to actually design a site.

This is great service if you want a draft page: and unbelievably cheap as its all done offshore.

I do need to firstly say, if you are not interested, "mate", why are you posting?
I am sorry if you feel that you feel this is "belittling" to anyone who has the skillset to create a design, I certainly don't myself (I could try but it wouldn't be very good) and I realise it takes a lot of time. It does seem though that if you actually read the thread that it is quite the opposite. I happily said, anyone can have 50% of any money the website makes. I will be coding it, the HTML/CSS+ Jquery, creating the PHP and database backend. This would take much longer I can promise you and the winner would be having 50% of that, so really, I don't think it's belittling. When someone does something for themselves, creates a little project to put on their portfolio, maybe some pieces of art etc, they do that for free and to show what they have done. Is that undervaluing their time also? If you're out of work and you actually want to have a go at making something which you can say, hey look.. I made that, and feel proud of it when you go for a job interview then that's worth your time, besides again, the point was that I would actually be doing the vast majority of work and giving away half of it, it's not a case of money. The money was just put there as a little reward, not as a "payment" as such. Also if you had read the thread fully not only would you realise that, but you'd also realise that the last post was some time ago saying that it's closed, I don't see why it needs discussing further (Unless you have too much time on your hand and replying to threads with little or no thought is what you enjoy doing). This brings me to think that by posting a response to something which is settled and done, just repeating what others have already said, shows how much you value your own time.

I am sorry if you feel in any way offended by my offer, perhaps you are of the view that the design is more than 50% of the work, or perhaps you are of the view that if you have nothing better to be doing at the time you shouldn't be bettering your portfolio in any way, but that's fine. Hopefully if you apply for a job any time soon they don't ask you about any projects you've worked on, but certainly I don't recall many people going to job interviews successfully saying they have worked on 0 projects and created nothing with no portfolio. Funnily enough, i've never been out of a job myself so I wouldn't know too much about the hiring process, so perhaps you are correct and doing anything to be part of a project or as a bit of fun, practise or to better yourself and your CV in any way is a huge waste of time.

Had I wanted a professional to create some masterpiece then I would have posted it up on elance or something similar, I am not new to those sites, however since it's just a project not to make money but for a bit of fun, to create something useful and to add to any CV ( backlinks would have been fine ) I didn't think that was the place for it.

Please, next time if you wish to jump into a thread which doesn't actually concern you in any way if you are not interested, at least read and try to understand what is being asked and why before replying.

I am genuinly sorry if I have offended anyone, that wasn't at all my intention, it was just a bit of fun, however i'm afraid I have very little time for people that either attack my personality for it or re-post things which have already been said.

"Any builders out there want to take part in my loft extension competition? £50 for the builder who converts my loft the best, you can even supply your own materials and use the resultant photos on your advertising literature!"

Are you kidding? Please tell me how this is slightly similar? A loft extension is something you probably don't practise at, and it costs money to do. To create a design costs time, probably a lot, but if you're looking to do something for a bit of fun that's fine. Playing games costs time and people enjoy it, does that mean that it's a waste of money? No, that's not what it's about. Also, did I ask anyone to code anything and complete everything in my name? No. I like coding, I will often code things instead of playing games because that's what I like to do. If someone asks me to code something interesting which will benefit me in some way then great, i'll do that. Before you then assume my time is worth nothing and I don't know what I'm doing, I teach programming at a top 20 UK university. If you are into creating graphics and you don't have a current project, I would think that's the same and you may want to spend your time doing something useful. Evidently, you like to spend your time posting on forums, which is fine.
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I did read your original post properly and was simply pointing out (in a tongue in cheek stylee, granted) the the majority of professional designer/developers will see it in the light that I did.

I know you weren't trying to get cheap labour and appreciate what you were trying to do but the market these days for professional developers/designers is extremely competitive and getting harder and harder to make money in with offshore sweatshops knocking out sites for tuppence and the nuggets from clients such as "My nephew has just created a website for his chess club and says its really easy and only takes a couple of hours, so why is your quote £10,000???". I've run my own software house for 15 years now, worked my knackers off 7 days a week and seen sites like Elance etc decimate part of the market with cheap foreign labour that a UK company cannot even remotely price-match so when I see posts like your original one it strikes a nerve.

As for why I was posting, you obviously missed the link I included that would have helped you out.
I did read your original post properly and was simply pointing out (in a tongue in cheek stylee, granted) the the majority of professional designer/developers will see it in the light that I did.

I know you weren't trying to get cheap labour and appreciate what you were trying to do but the market these days for professional developers/designers is extremely competitive and getting harder and harder to make money in with offshore sweatshops knocking out sites for tuppence and the nuggets from clients such as "My nephew has just created a website for his chess club and says its really easy and only takes a couple of hours, so why is your quote £10,000???". I've run my own software house for 15 years now, worked my knackers off 7 days a week and seen sites like Elance etc decimate part of the market with cheap foreign labour that a UK company cannot even remotely price-match so when I see posts like your original one it strikes a nerve.

As for why I was posting, you obviously missed the link I included that would have helped you out.

Thanks for the link, and sorry. I also know that there are a huge amount of cowboy developers around who who don't do the industry any good, but that's not really a nerve I was at all intending to hit. My plan was for myself to invest a lot of time in the site and to have something good to show for it, and I was happy to share that with someone.

Again, thanks for the link and sorry about my rant, it wasn't necessary.
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