Website design rant incoming...

I hate websites which pop up an advert where you cannot find the x to close it. It’s never top right of the pop up but 4cm away from the top right.

Then websites that require about 15 characters to create a password.

Hate it when create a password which the website says it’s too weak! It’s not like Password123 Cheeserocks1. It’s like Bac0n366S?
Hate it when create a password which the website says it’s too weak! It’s not like Password123 Cheeserocks1. It’s like Bac0n366S?
Password123 and Cheeserocks1 are indeed awful passwords, but Bac0n366S? is a weak password because it isn't long enough.

Try those passwords in this password strength tool to see how easy they are to crack:

Then try this load of random nonsense as a password:

Try generating some strong passwords here:

This is the benefit of a password manager, you can create passwords you couldn't possibly remember, and you don't have to remember them, and you should never re-use passwords so every site gets its own random password.

Bitwarden (free) is a good password manager:
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I have never had to remember a password ever in the last 2 years. All of mine are random 36-48 complex chars.

Unless you get into both my password manager and my 2FA manager your not getting in. Here is an example of one of my passwords. :p

One of long password "cheats" I remember was to pick a verse/chorus from one of the various songs you know and pick the first letter of each word and any letter from the top row of a qwerty KB uses the number above it rather than the letter. Then you just alternate caps/special character every 3rd character for what looks to be a wild password but is really just Wonderwall or Smells Like Teen Spirit or some Adele/Taylor Swift song etc.
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Some of the design decisions of popular websites really make the user experience unfriendly.

From sites rammed full of advertisements (and they wonder why people use ad blockers!), to links not easily accessible, news items with no dates, no authorship of the article, no links to show the article source etc.

It is amazing that we've had at least 20 years of solid mainstream websites design and major sites, usually those reporting news media, get it so wrong.

If a news item has no date on then how do I know if it's current or old news?

Ok rant over :(
website design is often flashy over function. take ocuk for eg. the shop site is actually worse than it used to be. most sites now take more clicks than needed to get to the product you want to buy or purchase. by the time you got found what you looking for you that ****** off that you go else where. baffles me. always make your website function over how it looks. i can name numerous sites for big companies that dont even work right lol.
fully appreciate that free news needs to be supported by advertising and I'm happy to accept adverts on the page (think it's unethical to block those)

Used to think that way, but at this point the advertising companies have done it to themselves.

They had their 15 minutes an hour, their 10 minutes before a movie, then they got their 5 second skippables and 30 second unskippables.

They had their embedded links, but that wasnt enough, they had to have popups, they had to have autoplay videos on webpages, then they started messing with content creators and platforms, forcing demonitisation because it didnt make them money (even when there are other companies willing to sponsor those creators), trying to kill the livelihoods of content creators who made niche but interesting content, when the people just started paying the content creators (because it turns out people like interesting things) to help keep them afloat the advertisers still tried to kill them off.

Advertisers had their cake, but instead of eating it they **** all over it, sliced it up and tried to force everyone else to eat it.

Goddamn that turned out much rantier than i intended it to.....
Some of the design decisions of popular websites really make the user experience unfriendly.

From sites rammed full of advertisements (and they wonder why people use ad blockers!), to links not easily accessible, news items with no dates, no authorship of the article, no links to show the article source etc.

It is amazing that we've had at least 20 years of solid mainstream websites design and major sites, usually those reporting news media, get it so wrong.

If a news item has no date on then how do I know if it's current or old news?

Ok rant over :(
Give me an example please of a site that does this. I use adblockers so have no idea about ads.
There is a website under here somewhere

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As a web developer I find it amazing how many websites have had a dedicated user interface and user experience team however they end up with something like the above.

I can't stand most sites these days and mobile experience is getting worse and worse. If I want to do any shopping I do it on a proper computer.

Also the content is really questionable these days. I just assume any review site has some paid bias in some way so generally try and find forums or Reddit posts with a bit more of a varied experience & opinion instead.
IMO a lot of sites get redesigned to tailor the experience more towards mobile users, i don't use a 'smart' phone but from what i gather links seem to be something mobile/touch screen users seem to be almost totally unaware of, dates aren't necessary as they expect mobile users to visit their site 2-3 times a day, and why would you want to know who the author is when trying to get any background on them via a search engine involves having to copy & paste some text or worse still having to use an on-screen keyboard.

/rant. :)
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