Website development portfolio

1 Nov 2007
I'm looking to build a portfolio so I can show off to clients but because I am primarily a backend developer it is a bit tricky to make flashy graphics and nice looking styles.

What would you do in this instance? Just show off some tech demos or something else?
As above get a template of some sort but link to and talk about your backend skills. Anyone who knows what they're hiring won't be bothered about the design as much as your experience.
oh right so you haven't even designed any sites then that use your back end? (excuse the terminology) lol

Yes I have but none of them are public code so I can't really show anything off. I built a blogging platform but tended to use Bootstrap for the frontend which is a bit of a cop out. I have one project planned which I want to use to set up a business but if it doesn't work out I'm just going to open source the whole thing and put it on my public GitLab.

I really want to refresh my knowledge of CSS since CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox are now fairly well supported. Basically I want to start again from scratch and see how it goes. I've learnt a lot from my previous projects so starting from scratch will result in a cleaner code base and will hopefully show off some of my skills a bit better.
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