Website-Public uploading files?

11 Mar 2006
I have a website with unlimited space and bandwith.
I want to create a page where people can upload their own videos, how can i do this? I am using Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Thanks :)
Thanks man i will try that ! :)
O ye the website i have was only about £5 a month from with unlimited bandwith and space. I bet your thinking that the website crashes and speeds are very slow but when i download from there via 2mb dsl i get 230k/s and the site has never been down yet :D I would recommend them tbh :) I have the Unlimited User account @ £45 per year here
Thanks :)
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OcUK could save some cash by using them... why spend thousands per year when you can get unlimited everything for £31.99 a year. ;) ;)

Good luck with your upload, but you have to realise if it starts shifting a lot of data and/or using a lot of space... you're going to get your site suspended or asked to leave.
As a large-ish company I suppose they can afford that sort of absurd stuff....and it's not like a free upload site is anything important, so getting kicked around shouldn't be much of a problem - because if your uploader gets popular then you will suffer, as unlimited doesn't exist.

But as I say, hardly matters in this case :)

I run an older version of the celeron dude uploader and haven't had a single problem in years, and I have quite a few thousand files on it. Must try v6 actually....lemmie know what it's like :D
Do i just upload all of the php files and folders to my main directory ? ftp.*****.com/htdocs/
Also, can i set a space limit on each persons account?
Thanks :)
Well so far i have ordered MYSQL database (which i am pleased to say was free :D), i will keep you updated loL! :p
Once this is all setup, can users upload their videos for other people/viewers to then download ?
Thanks :)
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Ok, I now have all mysql details, password etc. Do i need to do anything to the mysql database like add tables etc? or just upload the 'uploader 1.6' files? :confused:
AMDX23800+ said:
Ok, I now have all mysql details, password etc. Do i need to do anything to the mysql database like add tables etc? or just upload the 'uploader 1.6' files? :confused:
If it's as friendly as your average PHP application you'll have to run an installer file, enter the database details and it will populate the database for you.

Out of interest, what sort of a scale are you looking at with this upload site? Just a website for a few friends to upload videos, or are you aiming to be the next, YouTube or Google Videos? If it's closer to the latter, I can assure you you won't make it far on a £45/year "unlimited everything" account! £45/year is bargain bucket pricing for a personal website, let alone a resource intensive download site :eek:
I have opened up like it says and the php file is completely Blank. The instructions say to type in you mysql info, can you give me an example?
Would i type this :
Mysql Username: ******
Password: *****
Mysql Hostname: *****
Database Name: *****

But with all the addresses and pwrds in ? Thanks

The site will be used for people at to upload their vids to, can i set a user upload limit?
Last edited: appears that only v6.2.1 uses MySQL, and that's not a free download anymore.

I guess you have v6.1 which is the latest public download, and so the readme.txt I skimmed over on his site doesn't apply.

Read the readme.txt included in the download - all you need to do is upload the files and change (chmod) some permissions:

A. Installation (New installation)
Upload all the files and folders to your server, keeping the directory
structure intact. You should have four folders and a bunch of PHP files, like so:


Run install.php which will try to chmod all the directories and files
as well as making sure everything is properly configured.

There is a directory called "files" where all user files will go into.
If you want to specify a different directory, delete this directory
and create another one (on your server) anywhere you like. The installer will ask
you for the path to the user files directory regardless, but do this
BEFORE running the installer. Remember to use absolute path AND CHMOD
THIS DIRECTORY!!!! (0666 or 0777 will do)
My bad :o
So i just upload all of the files to my main directory? (/htdocs)
This wont overwrite any of my current web pages will it? I want this 'Upload' site to be linked from my home page. I don't want to change my homepage so will i have to change the name of index.php to index2.php and then make a link from my home page (index.html) to index2.php? (Hope that makes sense :p)
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AMDX23800+ said:
So i just upload all of the files to my main directory? (/htdocs)
This wont overwrite any of my current web pages will it? I want this 'Upload' site to be linked from my home page. I don't want to change my homepage so will i have to change the name of index.php to index2.php and then make a link from my home page (index.html) to index2.php? (Hope that makes sense :p)

your best off making a new folder called upload then upload them all in there,
the url to the site will be

edit: Damn you beansprout :p
ohhh lol thanks :p
I will upload all the files to /htdocs/upload :D
Thanks :D

(/htdocs/upload or just /upload :confused: ?) On my site i have 3 folders, /htdocs (where all web pages and pics go), /private and /logfiles
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Sorry, i'm a bit of a noob at this lol :p
I have made a new folder on the main ftp site like this ftp.*****.com/upload, is this right or should it be ftp.*****.com/htdocs/upload ?
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