Wedding Photo Queries

Have you considered picking up some cheap web hosting? You appear to be primarily concerned with quality and security. This way you would have 100% control over both the quality and the protection. Plus you could do fancy gallery stuff.
Dropbox is winning, but 2GB limit may be tested...we will see tonight.

A 'decent' jpg won't be more than 500kb for something like this, which gives you about 4000 photos...

How bloody many of them is he delivering in his final DVD? :p
A 'decent' jpg won't be more than 500kb for something like this, which gives you about 4000 photos...

How bloody many of them is he delivering in his final DVD? :p

Well, we were given the images last night. A total of 1109 images, which come in at just over 5gb! Looks like I may have to look into this web hosting thing for 3 or 6 months, and password protect it.

Godaddy are offering a decent deal, but i really need some kind of template.

Well, we were given the images last night. A total of 1109 images, which come in at just over 5gb! Looks like I may have to look into this web hosting thing for 3 or 6 months, and password protect it.

Godaddy are offering a decent deal, but i really need some kind of template.


Well if you are looking at paying for hosting why not pay for a drop box account to get more space? Problem solved?
Decide what images you want to use. Make a DVD slideshow. Burn DVD. Post DVD to family and friends who you don't mind seeing the images. They can then see the images on the big screen, instead of a likely tiny monitor in the box-room.
Decide what images you want to use. Make a DVD slideshow. Burn DVD. Post DVD to family and friends who you don't mind seeing the images. They can then see the images on the big screen, instead of a likely tiny monitor in the box-room.

This is sadly not practical for the amount of people I would like to send it to, but this might be a nice idea for close friends & family. Best software to do slideshow, add music etc?
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