Wedding Photo Question

Didn't know you needed a long lens for candid shot's?

In fact there are many candid shot's you just wouldn't get unless you were close to the action, although if your a shy person, I can understand how long lenses can be a crutch.

50mm & 85mm on FF is long enough 95% of the time for me, the times it's not you can crop, so 85mm on a crop sensor should be more than plenty. I'm willing to bet if he takes his 70-200, he'l be using it at 70mm for the vast majority of the time.






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^ Nice shots

I'm glad this has come up.

I enjoy photography a lot and get out and about when possible but mainly enjoy people.(Portraits) & also go to night college (been doing so for over a year now) and been out to 3x weddings as an assistant.

I've been asked to do a wedding as of next year but I think im unprepared for it. I wouldn't know where to begin nor do I have a backup camera/insurance.
I was thinking of going to a day class of wedding photography with a local tog who just does weddings but thats about £300-£500 so money that could go on gear.

So is there any other gear that I need


Canon 400D
18-55 - kit
70-300 sigma
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