Wednesday Challenge: Find Me A Door Entry Phone!

18 Oct 2002
I'm needing some help finding a replacement door entry phone for use in my flat, the block of flats has an existing communal door entry system to allow you to buzz people in to the make this is simple.......

Now the problem is I have a complete spinal cord injury and the existing phone is a handset (needs to be lifted to speak) and then a small button to press and hold to open the main door as you can imagine it's pretty tricky for someone who has limited dexterity in their hands. What I'm looking for ideally is a wall mounted box which is push-to-talk (push button down to talk and release it to listen through an inbuilt speaker) and has a door release button.

Don't worry about the cost!
I'm not sure exactly what you need but have you thought of getting a wiring chappie in to wire some large switches/buttons like the ones here or similar?
just a thought ...
singist said:
I'm not sure exactly what you need but have you thought of getting a wiring chappie in to wire some large switches/buttons like the ones here or similar?
just a thought ...

Bigpops said:
edit. Nevermind. That'll teach me to read the whole post.

No problem......anyone else come up with anything :)
When I was doing csv work helping someone with a spinal injury the person had a wireless intercom/door entry type thing iirc. Basically it was something about the size of a mobile phone hung round their neck with buttons to talk/listen and open the door. It looked pretty handy.
a lot of manufacturers systems are capable of using apartment stations instead of telephone handsets. Videx and GDX particularly (I install door enrty systems for a living btw).

All i can suggest, is that you get on to your landlord/council/housing association, and explain your situation. If it can be done (which is very likely), then it should be very cheap (a service call by the current service contract holder) to get it swapped. If they won't pay, then ask for a price and offer to pay.
Bigpops said:
a lot of manufacturers systems are capable of using apartment stations instead of telephone handsets. Videx and GDX particularly (I install door enrty systems for a living btw).

All i can suggest, is that you get on to your landlord/council/housing association, and explain your situation. If it can be done (which is very likely), then it should be very cheap (a service call by the current service contract holder) to get it swapped. If they won't pay, then ask for a price and offer to pay.

Excellent, Cheers for the advice mate :) Can you suggest any possible products that would do the job?
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