Wednesday Night Football

26 Mar 2009
Hi Guys,

Would like to have your thoughts if I may,

First off let me paint a picture, I have been playing football on a Wednesday night since I was 14 (I am now 22), it is full of nice decent people of all ages (from 16-59 years), the two teams are random every week and you see some nice attractive football.

However - A fat Romanian bloke started turning up as someone invited him. The issue is he is a very dirty player and will constantly push & kick people, there is just no need for his unnecessary hard challenges as we are all nice people who practise standing challenges and appreciate nice football (its on astro turf). 3 weeks ago he crossed the line by shoving an old man of 50 years in the back causing him to scratch all his face as he fell, he didn't apologise and no one said anything (the man has yet to turn up, which is such a shame as he is a regular and very nice man).

Since then the last 2 weeks he has been the cause of some very harsh challenges, both of which I could not keep quiet about and proceeded to tell him exactly what I thought!!, some foul and abusive language later and the game went on . . 5 mins later another wreck-less challenge and again no apologies nothing (we have no official, as we have never needed one, just friends playing).

Now lastnight 3 of my friends came and it didn't take long for the same old crap to start again, he was tackled by one of my mates and then kneed them in the back, my friend then fell to the floor and I piped up, with the usual profanities and coarse language I said "he is not welcome here", "have a look around", "no-one here is your friend" ect ect.

He still chooses to turn up every week, everyone from football agrees with me, as I have had a chat with them at the end, they just say nothing (I think they don't want the hassle). - I can see what's going to happen a mile off, he will injure somone so badly they cannot work (possibly he done it to that 50 year old and thats why he has not turned up) - which gets me very angry as 2 of my mates and builders/masons and if they got badly injured they are screwed, no work no money no bills paid - family screwed ect . . .

Rant over . . . your thoughts please guys :)
Tell him you have to pay to play and that you have all 'paid' £100 for the privellge, he is the only one who hasn't. On a more extreme level, no Romanian's allowed lol.
why not cancel it for 3 weeks? surely if he turns up on the 4th week, he is crazy and you should really think about changing the time/place. therefore he cant know when or where to turn up.

or you could just break his legs with a 2 footed challenge
The thought has crossed my mind :rolleyes:!!, I was going for the wind him up as much as I can until he breaks and punches me or starts fight.

i dunno in the heat of the moment, this could happen, depends how hot-headed you are.

i would just cancel it for 3 weeks, or change the day or time or place for 3 weeks then go back to normal.

theres no point discussing it on here, you may as well talk to the people you play with.
Tell him to leave? - Can't see it anywhere above that you have came right out and told him to leave
Pick teams but no one pick him?
Ask him to leave?

Ask the people who run it to ask him to leave?

Just try and sort something new out? OR Get everyone to stop going for a few weeks and then start again, see if he turns up again?
LOL at the knee in the back tackle, curious to what the person said who recieved that??

When picking teams, dont pick him and tell him to do one.
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