Wednesday Night Football

Ignore him if he doesn't leave when told - no picking him, no passing, stop the game if he gets the ball.

We've played Saturday morning football for years with over 50 odd people over the years. We are quite tolerant but whoever didn't fit in just never came back again fortunately; they got the hint.
Just tell him not to turn up. If that doesn't work, every time he gets the ball hit him as hard as you can, he'll eventually take the hint
Just don't pass to him and when he gets the ball, everyone stops.

Or just tell him he is not allowed to play and continue as normal with a replacement :)
give it him back. see if he can take it as well as give it out, if he goes home with bruises every wednesday, or gets booted all over the place then he's unlikely to turn up. or if he reacts to a challenge and starts trying to fight, the organisers have an excuse to boot him out.

there was a really competitive older guy who used to play with us in my old job, he'd charge into to tackles, rip his legs apart on the astro by slide tackling, ram people into boards and all sorts. everyone knew though that when you were up against him in a tackle you knew what to expect - if you didn't go in as committed then you'd come off worse. it was quite good fun in the end, he was never dangerous, just committed.
So this'll be five-a-side is it? Isn't five-a-side meant to be zero contact or something?

I've played with people like that before. It's easy to say just tackle him harder but the fact is it's just a friendly and people have work to go to the next day and families to feed, just like you say. You should all just stand together and tell him he's not welcome as long as he's making overly aggressive tackles. If he continues then man up and tell him to go, it is 9 against 1 afterall, what's he gonna do?
I couldn't go, as I had a night match for my Saturday team - all those cup matches are catching up to us as the season ends.

I hope he doesn't think I have given in, and that he has won - I can't help but feel he is allowed to run riot when someone isn't there to stand up to the fool.

I think the plan for next week will be tackle harder and harder until he either flips his lid or refuses to come. . . .dun dun duuuun . . . . . . .
Somebody is going to get hurt if you take the attitude of 'tackle harder' etc, and as you say some of the lads are builders which would mean bad times if one of them suffers a broken leg and has to take a few months off work.

The possibility of which could all be simply avoided if you just confronted the offender, informed him of the rules of 5-a-side and told him that the rest of you won't put up with it, i.e. in short, nip it in the bud or it'll end in tears.
You need to talk to him, you can't just ignore his behavior and the way he plays. Tell him that he eather plays by the rules or that he doesn't come at all.
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