Try and keep this Prem related, Play off stuff in the play off thread 
Good look to all the teams.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Bolton v Hull, 15:00
Everton v West Ham, 15:00
Man Utd v Arsenal, 12:45
Middlesbrough v Aston Villa, 15:00
Newcastle v Fulham, 15:00
Stoke v Wigan, 15:00
Tottenham v Man City, 15:00
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Chelsea v Blackburn, 16:00
West Brom v Liverpool, 13:30
Monday, 18 May 2009
Portsmouth v Sunderland, 20:00

Good look to all the teams.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Bolton v Hull, 15:00
Everton v West Ham, 15:00
Man Utd v Arsenal, 12:45
Middlesbrough v Aston Villa, 15:00
Newcastle v Fulham, 15:00
Stoke v Wigan, 15:00
Tottenham v Man City, 15:00
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Chelsea v Blackburn, 16:00
West Brom v Liverpool, 13:30
Monday, 18 May 2009
Portsmouth v Sunderland, 20:00