** Weekend Special SANDISK Extreme 240GB SSD **

Do you think if we get the whole Chinese nation to jump and chant "what a bloody silly price" at the same time the Earth's orbit will shift?
Is this enough threat to hope the US government intervenes and gives us all 240Gb SSDs to buy our compliance and silence?

If the force of tectonic plates shifting around does affect the orbit (only the rotation), then people jumping up and down won't... I think OcUK is safe.. for now ;)
After a new SSD myself, my G skill falcon 128gb started developing bad blocks after only 2 and a half years of use.. This leads me to believe SSD's don't have long lifespans. Especially since my father had the same drive and his still works, i use my computer a lot more than he does.

Looking out though, Intel and Samsung seem to be best for reliability, i have heard M4 as well but that has problems also.

Too bad there's still no TRIM support for RAID, i could pick up a 128gb and then another later that way.. i only heard Intel drives are planning to have TRIM support soon though.
This is very very tempting as my current ssd is a bit full! How would this compare to an
OCZ agility 3 60gb?

This performs the same as the Agility 3 240GB and as the 240GB are quicker, this would offer you a slight performance boost along with a lot more storage capacity. :)
Thinking of buying this one, just need to decide if I NEED 240Gb. Alternatives would be the Crucial M4 128Gb or the Samsung 128Gb or the Vertex4 120Gb. Cheaper but less space.

I currently have a vertex 2E 60Gb which would become secondary.

Decisions, decisions.
Your crystaldiskmark 4k reads and writes are really low. Mine are higher even on the Intel Sata 2 controller.

My scores are:-

Intel controller (sata 2)

Seq Read 277.8 Write 237.2

512k Read 267.6 Write 236.8

4k Read 38.85 Write 109.0

4kQD32 Read 179.0 Write 193.5

Marvell controller (supposedly sata 3)

Seq Read 379.2 Write 189.0

512k Read 367.8 Write 188.4

4k Read 38.40 Write 82.19

4kQD32 Read 213.6 Write 124.9
Anyone else getting freezes with these drives?

Fresh install yesterday, benchmarked great but in gaming I'm getting freezes when playing.

I've got an OCZ Agility3 120gb ssd which I was using prior to this and it never froze once. Reading up a bit seems a recent firmware was suppose to solve this, but it hasn't worked for everyone as I'm on the latest FW & still have the issue.

Anyone else?
Sorry to reply with a negative, but no freezes. Mind you the closest to gaming I get is rise of flight, this seems to be fine.

Will keep you posted. andy.
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