Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

That Darksiders demo could be great - will have to give it a go later, but inbetween replaying Uncharted 2, and HEAVY RAIN (:D:D) I think it will be later rather than sooner!

Also, has anyone tried Blue Toad Murder Files? Is it any good?

Sorry if this has been posted but noticed the Burnout Paradise Complete Edition was not showing on PSN for £15, not bad as you get all the DLC for Burnout Paradise
So yea the God of War 3 demo is on PSN. Doesn't seem to be much buzz about it!

EDIT: Or maybe im just like a billion days late! :D Just noticed the posts up there. Even still i thought people would go mad even though its an old demo.
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So yea the God of War 3 demo is on PSN. Doesn't seem to be much buzz about it!

EDIT: Or maybe im just like a billion days late! :D Just noticed the posts up there. Even still i thought people would go mad even though its an old demo.

thought the demo looked rather good, just can't get away with these types of games though :(
Oddworld, that is a blast from the past.

I also see the GTA IV DLC, would it be wise to buy the disc or are there no differences between the disc and DLC?

Also Skate 3 demo :cool:
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Bought the Excalibur table not all that long ago for PinballFX on the 360 (as i hadn't realised it was released), but I guess i'll buy it again tonight for ZENPinball.
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