Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

Not impressed with the Dead Space 2 demo so far, I only had 10 mins and I know it's not the finished game but the whole slicing off limbs seems to have gone out the window. Part of what I liked about the first game (other than the atmosphere) was the fact you had tactically take out the enemies by taking off limbs. But this demo they seem to take the same damage no matter how you hit them.
Bought - it better be realistic :p. Just found out its by the guys who did Super Stardust HD - more and more I seem to buy games on the strength of supporting particular devs nowadays...

ps3ud0 :cool:
About damn time that our store is updated. And funny how we don't get the animated Xmas ********* background like the Japanese and U.S PSN stores do, unless it just isn't loaded up properly yet. I mean not that it should matter to most people, but even on an aesthetic level our store is poor.

Some really good games offers though. I might be tempted with Tetris and maybe Sonic Adventure + DX upgrade.

Even though I already have it, After Burner Climax for £3.99 is a no brainer.

The Neo-Geo games are priced probably a little too much for my liking. They should be £1-2 less, but I'm just that picky. :p
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King of Fighters '95, worth every penny, its like being at college all over again!
Grabbed pacman, battlefield vietnam, and tales of monkey island as well.
Epic sale, great demos, I wish every update was this good!
Can be a bit tempermenatal, had to restart the game twice as it lost its calibration, also had some problems when the move controller was orange and yellow, thing there was too much light in my room and the eye wasnt picking up the colours.
out of interest, seen that BUZZ is free, can this be played with controllers, or do you need the buzzers?

edit, works with controllers and remotes.
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Hope not - I can see a use for casual games on laptops and smartphones, but Id rather play something more suited to a console connected to a large TV

ps3ud0 :cool:
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