Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

start vid is very nice and sets the scene well its just the actual game is a little naf. Bit of a button masher. You could do different moves but the most effective was jump then mash the punch attack. Graphics were ok just seemed very repetitive to me. Did at least run smoothly.
ZEN Pinball is nice :), not quite as nice as Pinball FX on the 360, but that may be partially down to the controller. Both made by the same company I believe.
Just seen that rag doll kung fu is free on the US PSN store for a week!

Yes just read this too, Sponsored by Sprint. 1 week only. Gonna download it in a bit. Also I think Bionic Commando is reduced in price to £3.99 on UK store.

UK Update 14/05/09


Bejeweled 2 £6.29
Buzz! Junior: RoboJam £3.99
Texas Cheat'em £9.99
ZEN Pinball £6.29 (+ free demo)
PAIN: SOre Sports addon £3.99
Complete SFIV Pack £9.99

Some Rock Band and Guitar Hero stuff, A Free Motorstorm 2 Livery, some Free Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 game packs

USA Store Update
Similar to UK Store, They also get 2 PS1 games, King of Fighters '99 & Spyro: Year of the dragon for $5.99 each

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Yes just read this too, Sponsored by Sprint. 1 week only. Gonna download it in a bit. Also I think Bionic Commando is reduced in price to £3.99 on UK store.

USA Store Update
Similar to UK Store, They also get 2 PS1 games, King of Fighters '99 & Spyro: Year of the dragon for $5.99 each

I wish they'd stick the KoF series on the EU Store, I don't like having games connected to my foreign accounts, for some reason it annoys me.
I wish they'd stick the KoF series on the EU Store, I don't like having games connected to my foreign accounts, for some reason it annoys me.

Aye i'm the same. I think it's mainly to do with the fact that i don't want to have to download items from all over the place if i had a harddrive failure etc.
Aye i'm the same. I think it's mainly to do with the fact that i don't want to have to download items from all over the place if i had a harddrive failure etc.
I think that's part of it, I'm also wary in case Sony suddenly put their foot down in regards to it all and I lose stuff I bought on other accounts.

In regards to the re-downloading of stuff, it really is a pain, there should be a way to filter your previous download list to only show stuff you paid for.
Oh and the fact you can only queue about 10 downloads or something, that's annoying when you're re-installing everything from scratch.
In fact that's not even enough to do all of Siren in one go!
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