Weight training charts?

With the many various ways that you can workout with free weights i just wondered if anyone was following a charted system to mix things up everyday.
When I done 531 or Madcow, I had my excel sheet printed with the numbers I needed etc. I still had it on my phone, but I enjoyed crossing it off and seeing how much I could be lifting if I stuck to it.
If you're asking, do people set their workouts in advance, then yes, everyone who's actually training and not just exercising will do this. Whether it manifests as a chart, calendar entry, note in their phone, or even just in their head, those who are serious about lifting go in with specific targets in mind. When I've been in to lifting (extremely on and off, majority off :o) I couldn't imagine going in the gym without a specific plan, based on my previous performance and desired future performance.
A perfect example of my low intelligence and a inability to articulate myself , i meant has anyone put up laminated posters in their makeshift gym?
No posters but I'm PPL and train 6 on 1 off. Each session starts with a few variations of key compound movements for that day and then accessory exercises. I'll change up exercises depending on what injury my body has decided i need to feel.

As for which day is what:
1. If my shoulders are tight, its probably pull day
2. If my back is tight and I'm not limping, it is chest day.
3. If my back and shoulders are tight, it is leg day.
4. Rest days are the one day a week when my whole body is tight and a bit sore.
5. If my legs are sore, it is a day.
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