Weightlifters shoulders (AC Joint) and surgery - Experiences?

14 Apr 2004
Hi SA,

I've been quite inactive over the whole year but I was hoping to gain some input and experiences.

2 years ago, I took 6 weeks off training for a venture abroad. Something happened whilst I was there to my shoulder. When I came back and started training, the condition eventually became worse. I ended up going for Physio and it was terrible. I wasn't diagnosed properly.

At 70KG bodyweight I was shoulder pressing 48KG dumbells for 6 reps, clean and pressing 100KG+ and doing 50KG dips for 6 reps I stopped doing any kind of dips and pressing as I could feel a presence in the pain. I cut all these out for this year (10 months now) and stuck with large compound movements and switched my pull ups to chin ups. I've reached all my weight based goals and I want to move onto more functional and callisthenic based workouts such as muscle ups whilst maintaining a strong DL and squat.

I booked in an X-Ray and it turns out I have a AC Joint fracture. I visited the Orthopaedics yesterday and it didn't look nice. I have Acromioclavicular Joint Arthritis :(

I have 2 options. Live with it or get surgery. Some details on ACJ excision itself and the animation of the surgery which involves shedding of clavicle bone.

As with all procedures there are risks involved. Whilst I was with the consultant yesterday it just seemed a lot sounded a lot scarier than it probably is. The way she put it across was that it's degenerative, so it could get worse if I don't opt for the keyhole surgery.

I'm dreading it and I'm unsure on what route to take. Any experiences/advice?

Without stating the obvious, I'm not looking for medical advice.

Just a reminder: I've never had any injuries, I've always focused on form and I've paid attention to mobility/warm up routines. However, somewhere along the line, it got progressively worse. Sure, crap happens but it could have been avoided. Be smart :)
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Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
That (obviously) sucks big ones!

Whilst I have not had any direct experience of shoulder surgery, you have my sympathy.

Whilst you've probably been going google crazy, have a look at as much research as possible, My background is in orthopaedics, and a lot of studies have been done on follow-ups over time after surgery and will give you an idea of what you may be getting yourself in for.

Good luck, nonetheless, and I hope this resolves with NSAIDS! :)
30 Aug 2003
From my limited understanding, injuries to the rotator cuff area are very common among weight lifters, so it seems logical that you will be putting your condition under a lot more stress than it would "naturally"

Personally I'd opt for the operation.
16 Jan 2006
So you had an intra-articular fracture which has now become arthritic? .I'm just asking as there is a condition which is common among weightlifters called distal clavical osteolysis its symptomatic presentation is very similar to ac joint OA but occurs earlier in life than OA, although eventually it is likely to progress to OA (due to the articular surface damage). Also it tends to come on over time as a gradual accumulation rather than resulting from a one-off injury.

If it was OA and it was me, if pain was the main problem and it wasn't controlled by over the counter analgesia then I would enquire about a CSI (cortico-steroid injection) from my GP or the orthopaedic consultant. If that/those keeps the symptoms away then I wouldn't bother with surgery.
If movement was restricted then I would opt for physio.
If neither helped and I couldn't do the things I wanted/needed to do then I would opt for the surgery.

That is if it is definately AC jt OA. If it was Distal Clavical Osteolysis then it can improve from avoiding the aggravating activities (i.e. lifting) or training modification (which a physio can help with) or it has been known to improve in cases where people just carry on regardless, failing that my choice would be CSI and lastly surgery.

Edit: I Must have been blind, just re-read the title where you do say its weightlifters shoulder (distal clavicle osteolysis), Arthritis is unlikely the problem at the minute its more the final result, the problem at the minute is more to do with the bone breaking down. As above, exercise modification and then failing that talk to the docs about a CSI is what I would do.
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14 Apr 2004
I wanted to thank you all for your input. I've been incredibly busy as a result I was unable to reply.

I've opted for the surgery because after speaking to the specialists they said the injection would only be a very temporary solution and given the damage that has been done there is no chance of improving my condition, it can only deteriorate.

I have the surgery tomorrow at 7:30am. I accept the consequence but hopefully it's for the best.

I had to go out with a bang. New DL personal record after 2 years today. 220KG Raw - Enjoy.

5 Mar 2006
hey...never seen this thread before...but got some input that may be

Ive done both my AC joints over the last 4 years, but never had op or anythjing. 1st one, i woke up one morning (day after doing lots of squats) with a sharp pain in AC joint (i didnt know what it was at that time) which didnt go away. I trained for a couple of weeks...but just seemed to get worse. Went to see physio, he said was an AC joint spain...and treated me for a couple of weeks with various things. Didnt go away for months and months and only cleared fully after about 1 1/2 years.

last august 1 felt a twinge in my left one doing pretty heavy incline flies, with 28Kg dbells (bloody stupid exercise anyway). I knew what it was this time...rested, iced daily for a couple of weeks...and like the 1st one it just seemed to get worse. Tried training lighly...na. gave it a god few months off end of last year. Started again in new year...sore....worked graually till one day something went clunk again. been see physio (some chick at the same place this time) who thinks i have just some shoulder stiffness. Anyhow, ive battled on myslef and its getting beter. Although ive pretyy much ditched flat bench press, only do incline as this doesnt hit the AC just quite so bad. The other issues that comes with this problem is that all the muscles around about clamp up to protect it...which causes more issues with shoulder in general.
This one is getting beter slowly, but im giving it untill the 1 1/2 years is up to see if its going to totally away by itslef, as past experience has told me its one thing that just takes an age. And im still training...the only excerise that give some discomfort is benching. I did Incline press 85Kg x 10 lst set on sunday which isnt to bad for me. Dips etc seems fine now. +40kg was no problem. OHP seems OK now up to 60Kg so far. So i just going to persevere for anther few months with lots stretching etc and see how it goes. My issue is that altough I live in scotland...i work overseas 5 weeks at a time (where i do workout a lot)...with only 3-4 weeks home. So keeping up a physio routine is a problem.
Anyhow...it is the most annoying issue probably for you also. Id like to hear about how it goes if you get the op, i have read that it doesnt take long to heal. You probably doing the right thing for the long term.

^ good lift by the way!
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