
Zoe finished 12th overall, 35kg behind new Olympic Record holder LI Xueying.

She's a great talent for the future but she was destroyed by at least 10 other lifters.

i just hope she can get her weight issues sorted now and work on her strength, being only 18 she's got at least 3 more games in her to grab a medal or two.

but after watching that documentary i think the whole weight lifting program in team gb needs looking at. the whole moving people up to leeds to train as its better for them seems bizzare as it was obvious it wasnt better for her.

this is something i have a big issue with, the idea of having everyone in the same spot as its better. the way a few of our possible medal hopes have been treated the last few months has been a joke. the guy who was in the taekwondo, world number one but they picked someone else over him who had come down a weight and was ranked 40 something. the only difference was that the world number 1 trained outside the team gb setup.

another one is phillips idowu, just because he trained outside of there setup and did things differently they spat there dummy out at it last year and then when he didnt go to the pregames training camp 2 weeks ago they start to fire pre releases out rather than talking with him directly.

really do show there is something not right with the current team gb setup.
Zoe might have been beaten but she was the only girl there that probably didn't have a penis :p. She didn't look like a weight lifter at all to me and I was quite surprised to see the amount she lifted.

One thing I didn't quite get is why they have a B group, if they have 0 chance of getting a medal?
Is 30 too old?
I wouldn't say he'd be too old to lift at 30 but it's unlikely he'll improve as much as he needs to in those 4 years to even have a chance of hitting the group A standard of lifting :(

Edit: Gareth finishes 8th in group B, 41kg behind the winner Kim M.H who got a total of 329kg. Given all of the competitors in group A have posted opening lifts that would equal 330kg it shows how far behind the pack he is.
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Women's <63kg event has just finished with Maiya Maneza winning with a total of 245kg which is lower than the <58kg total set by Xueying Li. Highlights how good the <58kg competition Zoe competed in actually was.

Given her well publicised weight issues perhaps they'll consider moving her up a weight class, she would've finished 7th if she had lifted today.
well from the current crop of lifters we have, im guessing the idea is to build for the future. with a lot of them being rather young.

with the issues that smith had with her weight iv got a feeling the guys who run the weightlifting side of things (not the coaches) are trying to be clever as far as who's in what weight class.
Ilya Ilyin has just beaten both world records in c&j and total 233 kg and 418 respectively. It was achieved in 94kg weight limit. He judt looked like he was lifting 100kg. It's just outrageous!

And can't wait for 105kg men final on monday. Look out for Marcin Dolega. He is a beast :)
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