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It reminds me of a piece of IT coursework. But the animation is rather nice (apart from the very final part of it, imo) :)
Looks good, but they need to talk more slowly and clearer, it's a bit like a first time presentation in uni where it's rushed through at a rate of knots, slow it down and allow people to think about what's being said
^^ Give them a break, they're not television presenters they're two guys who work at ocuk.

You're not going to find much talent in a IT hardware company :p
Shouldn't the logo load the other way? Ive always pictured it to represent it from no overclock (left hand side) to full (right)?
There is too much contrast in levels of hand movement.

I believe a middle ground must be met in order to achieve my personal viewing pleasure.

Thank you for your time.
Yeah it should go from left to right, left to right, left to right with car revving noises.

Now this is said, by the history of OCUK forums and the whole of the internet, we require a witch hunt.

Come on who did it ;)
As long as you guys don't say "that's right Nathan" or "thats right Mark" when one finishes a sentence or statement.
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