***Welcome to Overclockers UK TV***

When the little bars started appearing for the ocuk logo for some reason i was expecting a Vtec sound to kick in! Lol

I must say I felt the same way as some of the other chaps here. But I recognise that your first YT vid is going to be a bit like a deer in the headlights moment.

Few more videos and you will be right at home :)

Also give them a break, has anyone here ever watched some big name youtube people's first videos. I think they did a very good job.

I remember watching a few early videos by Lauren on TastyPC, she was very shy when she started out. It ain't easy to be confident, give them time.
Ugh first video is naff!

Do some proper product reviews, hands on , first look.
Don't just review your own products, bigging them up etc it's boring! We all know what the systems are like.

About time OC/UK got into YouTube, the more outlets you tap into, the better! :)

I see a future for Naith - at the shopping channel :p :D
I just watched the ultima video, and you definitely need to do something about the sound editing, having the ultima switched on throughout, resulted in a lot of fan noise being picked up, which is to some, quite distracting

The fella on the right looked pretty nervous, the fella on the left took it all in his stride.
I hope these videos can atleast compare to the Newegg channel videos. I also really hope you don't employ TastyPC just because she has boobs and will get you subscribers faster :S
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