Well Cancer Sucks b***s

Oh my - I've managed to be so positive through all of this yet the night I posted this I was having a moment and filling my face with vodka milkshakes*.

Thanks for your thoughts, and letting me shout into the ether, it's astonishingly helpful.

Today I got an MRI/CT report back with the words 'no distant metastasis' which essentially means it's still local and hasn't spread - puts me in the 80%+ 10yr survivability bracket rather than the 20%. Quite jolting to read this stuff, and I really shouldn't have read it while sat on the jubilee line.

Thanks for listening and stuff.

*White Russians.
It's a horrible horrible place to be, but at least you are getting some positive news.
I hope things get easier for you sooner than later.
Can't even imagine what you're going through, but, and I mean this as sincerely as can be taken from a username behind a screen, I wish you all the best.
**** cancer. My dad passed away this week 10 months after being diagnosed. Happy to hear you've got good news and hope it continues!

Anyone reading this, if you ever have to deal with a diagnosis make sure you advocate for yourself (or friend/relative) and ask questions constantly. Never allow the doctors to fob you off with anything and don't worry about ******* them off. Seek second opinions if you're unsure, research treatments and clinical trials, join patient groups online etc. You may be lucky and get an amazing team working for you but it's just as likely you get a reactive oncologist stuck in their ways that just goes through the motions and checks the boxes. I wish I had the knowledge I had now a year ago, I really believe it would've helped my dad live longer.
I lost my dad to cancer when I was 20 years old. Diagnosed in September and gone in December. Such a horrible disease but looks like you are fighting it well and winning.

No dog videos but I was listening to this song as I opened this thread and thought a bit of OG YouTube would be grand.

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**** cancer. My dad passed away this week 10 months after being diagnosed. Happy to hear you've got good news and hope it continues!

Anyone reading this, if you ever have to deal with a diagnosis make sure you advocate for yourself (or friend/relative) and ask questions constantly. Never allow the doctors to fob you off with anything and don't worry about ******* them off. Seek second opinions if you're unsure, research treatments and clinical trials, join patient groups online etc. You may be lucky and get an amazing team working for you but it's just as likely you get a reactive oncologist stuck in their ways that just goes through the motions and checks the boxes. I wish I had the knowledge I had now a year ago, I really believe it would've helped my dad live longer.

They always try and fob you off. Never said it to my partner but GPs fobbed her mums back pain off as back pain. Then bang. Terminal is push doctors and don't be embarrassed about it.

Really hope you carry on getting what I'm the circumstances is best news you can.

Its a horrible, horrible thing
They always try and fob you off. Never said it to my partner but GPs fobbed her mums back pain off as back pain. Then bang. Terminal is push doctors and don't be embarrassed about it.

Really hope you carry on getting what I'm the circumstances is best news you can.

Its a horrible, horrible thing
I'd echo the looking into the research treatments/trials. I'm fortunate to be on one and get full scans and checks every 3 months as opposed the usual yearly post surgery/treatment checks.
They always try and fob you off. Never said it to my partner but GPs fobbed her mums back pain off as back pain. Then bang. Terminal is push doctors and don't be embarrassed about it.

I first went to the GP in June 2023. They said I probably had an enlarged prostate or prostatitis. August 2023 I went to the Royal London Hospital A&E as I was in so much pain. They said I had prostatitis - no scans other than a fondle of my bits. They filled me with anti-biotics and naproxen. I was on three separate courses of anti-biotics; 3 months, and then 2 lots of 1 month.

Between then and June 2024 I went to the GP several times, and had an MRI & CT scan. All of them saying very little. I got referred to urology who finally got back to me in mid-October this year.

In July my girlfriend found me passed out on the floor as I was in so much pain, and dragged me to Kings College Hospital - quite a trip from me really, and it would never have occurred to me to go that far. They admitted me immediately and everything has been on track since.

The gap in care between Barts (I.e., royal London etc.) is astonishing. I had no appreciation of how poor the care was being given until I experienced KCH. That week of being admitted I had MRI/CT scans etc. and had an initial diagnosis by the Friday, and some frustration from the A&E consultant (who kept checking in on me during the week) as to why Barts hadn't pursued obvious symptoms.

I had made several mistakes on this journey, mostly trusting the 'experts' and not being my usual highly inquisitive and pushy self. My excuse - and it's a reasonable one - was that I was in often quite considerable pain and it impacts on your ability to think.

I'm not angry at Barts 'people'. I don't think a single one of them set out to be poor at their jobs - but was is blindingly obvious to me is the massive differences in resources between hospitals. KCH is obviously well funded, Royal London isn't. Every time I got to KCH for anything I'm typically seen within 15-30 minutes of the appointment time, and they return calls and emails. Guys? Good luck with that. Last time I attended Guys to have a chemo bottle removed at 10:00am on a Monday, I didn't get any attention till 16:00, and that was only because I was in so much pain at the time somebody noticed. I know - I should have said something, but some of us struggle with such things.

The above isn't a rant by the way, just some observations on my experiences.
Sorry to hear about your experiences, it is an awful disease but people do get through to the other side of what feels like an endless cycle when your in it.

I'm thinking of my ex who was told she had stage four breast cancer 20 years ago, she is still alive and well today!

Stay strong stay positive and by all means rant away, as I'm sure you know, this is a great community when the **** hits the fan - you have a lot of support of people who whilst not necessarily knowing you in person regard you as a friend.
**** cancer. My dad passed away this week 10 months after being diagnosed. Happy to hear you've got good news and hope it continues!

Anyone reading this, if you ever have to deal with a diagnosis make sure you advocate for yourself (or friend/relative) and ask questions constantly. Never allow the doctors to fob you off with anything and don't worry about ******* them off. Seek second opinions if you're unsure, research treatments and clinical trials, join patient groups online etc. You may be lucky and get an amazing team working for you but it's just as likely you get a reactive oncologist stuck in their ways that just goes through the motions and checks the boxes. I wish I had the knowledge I had now a year ago, I really believe it would've helped my dad live longer.

I'm sorry I missed this on my first read of this thread back then, but my mind was in other places. Sorry about your Dad, you feel robbed don't you. My Dad was also taken early, albeit through some work stuff rather than cancer.

It was somebody who cared about me who found me passed out on the floor who was all 'WTF this is not OK' that dragged me to hospital. I didn't get much say in the matter. So, yes, I completely get your bolded point. Us men, we're kinda terrible at asking for help. I thought I was following the guidance from the professionals, and trusted them, and now I look back and realise how obviously wrong the whole thing was. In their defence I don't tend to present particularly well - I'm one of those people who sometimes forgets to tell their face how they're feeling - so they may not have realised how much pain I was in.
sorry I missed this earlier, probably too selfishly concerned with my own situation :o here I'm pleased you seem to be getting through it, it's "interesting".

Just started my third cycle, feel like a fraud much of the time. Still got my hair, putting weight on instead of losing it, you wouldn't know to look at me there was anything wrong with me. And that's what is so scary. I found out last night a girl I know fairly well has a rare form of womb cancer. She's not even 40. This ******* disease doesn't discriminate, it goes for anybody.

I'm utterly exhausted and yet can't sleep. What is that even about?
This is ridiculously hard to deal with. I'm coping on about 2-3 hours of dozing a night. Go to bed at 9, maybe fall asleep at 11, wake at 12, lie awake till 5, sleep an hour. FFS I don't even get the benefit of waking up for a **** nowadays :mad:

We should have our own sub forum.
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