well, think i just killed my project...

4 Jan 2004
hey guys, lately ive had my first go at watercooling and decided to attempt to get a socket A mobile to 3ghz or close to it at least lol.

got some decent components and a pretty good loop set up:

dfi NF2 ultra infinity
2600-m (IQYHA 0352MPMW :D)
2x256mb twinmos BH-5

AquaXtreme 50z
Maze4 CPU
AquaXtreme MP-1 GPU
Black Ice Extreme III
Swiftech microRes

3 panaflo M1a's on the rad, 80mm noiseblocker laggy banded to the ram and a 120mm blowin over the chipset

used an old desktop ATX case and modded it to fit a triple rad and the pump etc. all fits and works quite nicely, the rad just slots in nicely and rests ontop of the empty pci slots.

at stock speeds the cpu temp was at 23 degrees idle and gpu came down from 70 idle to 48 idle!!! was very pleased with this, anythin that can cool a 9800XT that much from the stock cooler is definatly worth while lol

had a few minor problems while setting up the loop, first of which, some fool where i bought the maze4 from decided it was a good idea to put celotape on the bottom of the block. when i came to take it off the sticky off it was stuck on the block. no ammount of washing would get it off so ended up using some methylated spirit on it, then washing it thoroughly before using it, you can still see like an outline of where the tape was, but its not sticky at all anymore and nice and smooth like it should be.

second problem was that after topping up the system, gettin it workin i find that one of the barbs were loose and leaking like a siv, well actually it was the maze4 again! the rest of the bits were fine, just one of the barbs on this wasnt tight enough.

got that cleaned up, and then got it leak testing again and no leaks, success!

while clockin i managed to get it to 250x10 on about 1.75v. it was memtest stable and seemed pretty stable in windows though it didnt stress test long before i decided to restart and alter somethin in the bios. managed to get a superPi screenie, 38secs beats my A64 rig lol (3400+ clawhammer) and would get me into 89th place on Weescots MAJOR superPI table

anyway, after this i couldnt get it to boot at any high speeds, even 250x10 was proovin difficult for it to boot with. think the bios on these things is a bit flakey at the best of times :( on the occasions i could get it to boot, it would restart when loadin windows so i figured a bit more vcore should help :) so went ahead and volt modded, bein lazy i left everythin in the chassis and did it from there, turned it on and got a constant buzzing from the speaker, ripped out the mod and nadda. just turns on and thats about it now lol

im hopin i havnt killed the cpu and its just the board but wont know till i can get another one. kinda reminds me of last time i volt modded a mobo, that lasted quite some time before it died, well it actualyl died 4 times but i managed to get it goin again till it died completly :(

so yeah, watercooling rocks! for my next upgrade (hopefully following the hordes and going conroe) im thinkin watercooling most definatly! I used to be a firm believer of water + computer = bad and always figured that get some good air cooling and ya sorted, but now i went ahead and tried it watercooling would win hands down just for sheer coolness alone before you even went on to how well it can cool a system.

thanks to everyone who helped me out with watercoolin questions, the loop order etc and those of you who sold me the components, cheers :)
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4 Jan 2004
yeah was quite shocked that the ram went so far, was on 3.2v (3.3 in the bios but it undervolts), so if it was an actual 3.3v it may have gone further, couldnt get it any better with 3.2v, would give memtest errors. but still, went right up to 250 with tight timings no problem :), think i like BH-5 more than i did TCCD lol
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
Justintime said:
lol good luck with 3Ghz, 2.5 is much more feasible with socket A cpus, especially with only water :)

Well, that depends.

Socket A Mobile Bartons were quite well reknowned for being capable of silly overclocks... I had a regular Barton (not a particularly good stepping, either) that went to 2.7GHz on water without too many volts (motherboard wouldn't play so only 1.95V-ish).

True, for 3GHz, Prommies/Vapos were generally needed, although it wasn't unheardof to find a brilliant lunatic who'd squeezed that much out of his/her XP. I think if he tries hard, he could get 2.8GHz outta that chip.

The 1700XP DLT3c was one of the greatest overclocking chips I've ever seen in terms of %age over stock - just like the Celly 333 and now the newer Core Duo 6300s.
Wise Guy
18 Jan 2003
Nice work mate, well done.

I would keep hoping for 3ghz and try getting yourself an NF7-S, they give much more Vcore but don't hit so high fsb levels as the DFI.

Quite a lot of Nforce2 mobbos hit a wall at 2500mhz or there abouts, my NF7 (non -S) used to top out at 2550mhz with a barton, but would hit much higher with my XP1700.
8 Mar 2003
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Took 2.25v and an r507-charged MachII to get both my XP1700 and XP2500-M up to 3Ghz with my NF7-S... Took same core voltage to get there with DFI LanParty UltraB, but managed it with much higher FSB... newer NF7-S's tended to have issues getting past 250FSB (the ones with colored dimm slots). Older NF7-S's (with black dimm slots I think) managed 275Mhz-ish... altho a bridgemod to XP-M CPUs often sorted that problem out for some folks... LanParty UltraB managed 300FSB at 1:1.

For the quality socket A chips, it tended to work out (on average) that 2.7Ghz(ish) tends to be tops on Water... 2.8Ghz(ish) on TEC... 2.9Ghz(ish) on stock phasechange or chilled water with TECs... 3Ghz+(ish) on regassed/custom phasechange...
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4 Jan 2004
the cpu i got has apparantly one of the best steppings around, theres a guy who got 3.4 out of one!! lol

i was thinkin of tryin an nf7-s this time for a replacement board, i reckon i could have got more out of this dfi if it hadnt crapped out on me, a lot more infact. most mobiles will reach 2.5 with ease

if i can find one, ill report back
8 Mar 2003
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Meh - just give DFI a shout and they'll send you a few reprogrammed bios chips as emergency backups to get round that issue. I used to have 3x preprogrammed with various bios' just in case... can use NF7-S bios chips in em too (once hotflashed over to the relevant DFI bios req'd)

If you want the mutz nutz performance when it comes to FSB, s'gotta be DFI I'm afraid...
4 Jan 2004
trojan698 said:
Those dfi boards are just a nightmare, most are plagued with bios issues. NF7-s v2 would be your best bet. Think theres one in the mm, board only going for £15

i dont have MM access anymore :(

i have a spare bios chip with this dfi, but i have no idea if its got anythin on it or what?? guess its too late to try now lol
4 Jan 2004
it was the votl mod i did that killed it, im sure of it. just bein damn lazy and tryin to solder onto pins on a chip while its still in the case with everythin connected.

in the bios i just changed the mem timings, multi, voltage and mem speed. nothin special (this is why i love socket A, much simplier to overclock than A64 lol)
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