Poll: Were you Smacked as a child?

Were you smacked as a child?

  • No I wasnt smacked - and it shouldnt be used as a discipline for kids

    Votes: 28 8.8%
  • No I wasnt smacked but believe it should be used for discipline of kids

    Votes: 14 4.4%
  • Yes I was smacked and it's affected me since then and it shouldn't be used for discipline of kids

    Votes: 25 7.9%
  • Yes I was smacked, didnt do me any harm and is an effective way of instilling discipline

    Votes: 251 78.9%

  • Total voters
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18 Oct 2002
Poll: Were you Smacked as a child?

Ok - please dont spam this thread or take it off topic - its not a discussion of views, merely a gathering of info.

There are 4 options - please only select one of the 4 :)

1) No i wasnt smacked - and it shouldnt be used as disiplin for kids.

2) No i wasnt smacked but belive it should be used for disiplin of kids.

3) Yes i was smacked and its affected me since then and shouldnt be used for disciplin of childred.

4) Yes i was smacked, didnt do me any harm and is an effective was of installing disciplin.

Could a donny make it a poll pls :)
Spose i outght to answer too:

4) I was smacked when i was really bad, i remember it and i never did it again!

I would use it for disciplin on my own kids too.
Cheers Mr Bod :)

Smacking IMHO shouldnt be used all the time, but as a last resort it worked for me, and apparently many others on these forums so it obviously works for most, i guess it does depend on how it was administered and the relationship with parents in general too.
Originally posted by homerio
To be honest I don't think a law against smacking would do anything. By making it illegal those who use smacking in a positive way would lose a valuable method of teaching whats really wrong, and those who are really heavy handed in my opinion would still do it anyway

This is very true - youll never stop those who abuse theri children under the pretences of disciplin. Sadly some parents do take it too far, luckily as shown in this post altho a minority and a small sample smacking when used carefully does work and can be effective.
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
So far there are 57 + 5 = 62 people who advocate smacking kiddies. There are only 5 + 4 = 9 people who are against smacking.

Do you not see how widespread and accepted it is to smack a defenceless child? In essence it can be considered a form of bullying. We're used to smacking kiddies and accept it as the norm for the raising of a child.

You become what you are taught is a well known saying. What's the point in having a well behaved child who's been brought up in a smacking environment if that child's life has been changed according to the wishes of it's parent? The child itself is not it's true self, but a reflection of the parent. Most parents try and model their kids on themselves rather than allow them to develope their own characters and personas. If you've been smacked as a child, it's almost certain that you will smack your child, too. It's a never ending cycle of violence and is the widespread continued norm of lazy parenting in my opinion. Sit your kids down and explain right and wrong to them, not raise your hand in anger to someone who can't fight back. You wouldn't dare raise your hand to an adult who could. Children are not as thick as some people give them credit for.

MYB - maybe your situation when you were younger has lead you to belive all smacking is bullying =, uncontrolled, angry, etc etc. Its got nothing to do with picking on defenceless children except in a few isolated cases which, from reading every post in this thread, it seems is frowned upon. The people who have posted in here have said they knew they were wrong when it happened and it worked, and would use the same methods on their own kids - not they were beaten for everything and anything needlessly and would do the same to their children now.

Its sad to hear of parents abusing their kids, but thankfully it doesnt happen that much and most people can differentiate between discipline and bullying/beating a child needlessly.
Originally posted by Lostkat
I could not possibly diasgree MORE with you Beaky!

I was smacked as a kid and I am the least violent person you have ever met. I have never punched/kicked/fought with another person (except in defence when my brother used to beat me up :) ), and would never resort to violence in any situation. A vast majority of kids are smacked, and believe it or not, we are not a nation of thugs.

Smacking kids ISN'T about violence, it's about teaching them that something is wrong. Smacking is a perfect example of conditioning. It's classic psychology. Eventually children will learn that doing something wrong equals a smack, so they will stop being naughty. Young children don't automatically know what is right and wrong, it's something that they have to learn. IMHO smacking is a fast and effective way of them learning.

As a kid, if my mum had sat me down each time I was bad and said to me 'look Kate, that was very naughty, don't do it again' I'd have completely ignored her and just done it again. Kids need the association between crime and punishment to stop them misbehaving. Ok, other punishments like no TV etc. may work, but smacking is far more effective because it's a punishment that is instigated straight away and is highly embarassing, especially if you're in public.

Completely agree :)

It works, i have smacked my niece once b4 - it didnt hurt anything but her pride - she now knows if she's naughty like that again and i ask her to stop it might not work - if i ask her to stop again and tell her if she doesnt then i will smack her bottom she reacts immediatly and behaves, i only did it once but it worked.
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
That's not what I meant, sir. I mean there are parents who want Jolly Old Johnnie to follow in their exact same footprint and mould them according to their perception of reality, rather than just teaching a child the difference between right and wrong and allowing him to grow up in his own image, rather than their own. This, too, is widespread and an accepted norm.

We all dream of Nirvanah, where violence simply doesn't exist. The only way to such an existence is to stop smacking kids and therefore teaching them violence. It's not an accident that many children resort to bullying in school. Violence, which would include continual light smacks teaches a child violence, surely?

I dont think that continual light smacks is what we are talking about here - its the occasional, nessecary smack for an act which is best suited to this discipline, not for spilling a drink *smack* or teasing the dog *smack* for which its not nessecary, its the times when it is needed - they are few and far between, they dont promote violence or make the child violent. If they do then there is something seriously wrong in the home life in genral.
Originally posted by Lopéz
Excellent debating in GD everyone - the likes of which we don't see too often.

This is a real archive-worthy thread :)

:eek: - and i thought i was opening a can of worms but it seems to have worked quite well :)

A few more views from myself, firstly i would like to say how it is quite disturbing to hear form MYB and others who were beaten and abued as kids - this is definatly not the way to bring up kids and has obviously had a lasting effect.

However - i dont feel that smacking and beating are the same, smacking isnt violence in the same way as beating, it is done because we love our children, yes violence through love, sounds strange but its for the good in the longrun as long as it is the sort of controlled smack used appropriatly as is widely recognised by most in this thread.

Banning smacking wont help anyone - it will cause more trouble than good and those who resort to beating their children, well its not smacking and its already illegal (child abuse, GBH, ABH, assult etc.) and it doesnt stop them does it?? NO
Those who beat their children and take the discipline too far, including verbal abuse and i have witnessed a lot of this in some areas does generally come from those in the lower eschelons of society, yes i'm sorry to generealise but the working classes, poorer people do generally have more discipline problems and treat their children worse than the middle or upper class famalies.

EDIT: P.S - for the person who asked how many actually have kids, well - i dont BUT i did live with my niece for the first 2 years of her life, and am her godfather and present a father figure to some extent too as her dad is not around, i am involved in discipline of her as well as the nice things - i went round to see my sis yesterday and ended up playing farms for an hour :D
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
As far as I am aware under British law it is now a punishable offence to smack a child.

No its Not!!

It is illegal for Schoolteachers, Nursery Nurses and childminders to smack childern (other than their own) but it IS still legal to smack your own childred, not abuse them and beat them, smack them.
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