Poll: Were you Smacked as a child?

Were you smacked as a child?

  • No I wasnt smacked - and it shouldnt be used as a discipline for kids

    Votes: 28 8.8%
  • No I wasnt smacked but believe it should be used for discipline of kids

    Votes: 14 4.4%
  • Yes I was smacked and it's affected me since then and it shouldn't be used for discipline of kids

    Votes: 25 7.9%
  • Yes I was smacked, didnt do me any harm and is an effective way of instilling discipline

    Votes: 251 78.9%

  • Total voters
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18 Oct 2002
Poll: Were you Smacked as a child?

Ok - please dont spam this thread or take it off topic - its not a discussion of views, merely a gathering of info.

There are 4 options - please only select one of the 4 :)

1) No i wasnt smacked - and it shouldnt be used as disiplin for kids.

2) No i wasnt smacked but belive it should be used for disiplin of kids.

3) Yes i was smacked and its affected me since then and shouldnt be used for disciplin of childred.

4) Yes i was smacked, didnt do me any harm and is an effective was of installing disciplin.

Could a donny make it a poll pls :)
4 - i was smacked if i did something really norteh, its the most effective way of showing a child what is wrong with their actions in certain circumstances
Spose i outght to answer too:

4) I was smacked when i was really bad, i remember it and i never did it again!

I would use it for disciplin on my own kids too.
Yeah I was smacked as a kid! And I needed a good clip around the ear every now and then!:)

Damn good thing I was too , I had a habit of wandering infront of moving cars from the age I could first start to walk.. needed to drill some common sense into me quick sharp!:)

I thought getting a smacked botty for squeezing fairy liquid all over the kitchen was a bit harsh , I was only tryin to help clean!! ;)

I think its a good thing if used in moderation and only under certain circumstances..

Smacking a kid because they're crying , or just because they won't shut up is NOT good imho.

Smacking them because they're playing with knives or doing something life threatening IS a good idea!:)

For me 4
2. I wasn't smacked, but if parents can't control their children then I see no reason why they can't smack them.

4) Yes i was smacked, didnt do me any harm and is an effective was of installing disciplin.
between 3 and 4 tbh, i was smacked, and some of the time it did effectively discipline me, but not all of the time, and i think the relationship between me and my dad (who was the one that hit me) could be closer if he hadn't hit me
Re: Poll: Were you Smacked as a child?

Number 1, I think :)

Originally posted by Slime101
Could a donny make it a poll pls :)

Linked to the SE, so you may get poll-arised very shortly sir :)

[edit] 1 minute response time, not bad Bod ;)

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Smacking/Slapping should only be used as a deterrant when kids dont know better, ie very young and dont know difference between right and wrong.

After that, I dont think its the best method of disaplin.

I've had various things thrown at me in the past (vases, books, cups, chairs), but after a time when I became aware of what was going on, and I knew right from wrong etc, and I know its not the right method of disaplin ;)
5) Smacked, but I don't think it instilled any disicpline in me. Didn't "affect" me at all. Maybe an effective punishment as a last resort. Not something to rely on IMO.
Cheers Mr Bod :)

Smacking IMHO shouldnt be used all the time, but as a last resort it worked for me, and apparently many others on these forums so it obviously works for most, i guess it does depend on how it was administered and the relationship with parents in general too.
Never got smacked . does shoes flying at u count :D

mom shouted at me and scared me when i was a kid upto the age of 10. after that my dad didnt really do anything. Yet i believe smacking a kid once in a while is a way to discipline them. Just cant go over board with it.

I respect my dad even though he only ever hit me once. i understand now why he did it aswell.
6. Beaten, I hated them for it deeply straight afterwards, in the long run I turned out more disiplined. Sometimes I felt that I didnt deserve getting it.

Oh, I smack my nephew on the bottom repeatedly for grabbing my mouse then running round the house with it:D
Option 3. It depends on the situation. A loving, caring family will not smack a child for no reason or hurt it unduly. On the other hand a dysfunctional family or an alcoholic household will take it to the extreme and cause much needless suffering and pain. My family were too heavy handed, and I didn't need smacks to make me see reason. Sitting me down upon a knee patiently and explaining to me why something is wrong would have been far more effective. It may not work for all, but it certainly would have worked in my case.

An over abundance of hard slaps and verbal abuse ruined my life. I became depressed, lost confidence in myself, neglected my studies and ruined my adult working life/relationships. I mistrust almost everyone, have difficulty with conversation, and serve to protect myself (needlessly) from harm, even among the best of my friends. I've tried hard to regain my lost confidence over the years, but the scars run too deep, and too much damage has been inflicted on my mind. My main regret is meeting a wonderful friend once, but I was unable to maintain a lasting relationship due to depression/feelings of inadequacy. She raised her arm once and I cowered as a child would do, expecting a whack from her, as I would from a mother. It was extremely embarrassing for me and added to my feelings of inadequacy. I find it impossible to forgive my parents over this issue. It so easily could have been avoided with careful, thoughtful parenting.

For this reason I advocate that children should not be smacked, under law. Many children, like my good self, have their lives ruined and changed by heavy handedness. One changed life is one too many. Joe Public can't be trusted to be lenient toward his offspring and smacking needs to be curbed under the law to deter heavy handed parents. Defenceless children need to be protected.
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