Hi guys
I reached the point where my poor old 74Gb raptor can no longer cope with the 10GB install requirements some games seem to be shipping with now (Damn EA!) and it’s in need of a replacement.
I’m looking at getting a couple of the 320GB AAKS drives and popping them in Rad 0. I’m a previous user of Raid sets so I know all the risks and setup procedures.
I have a few questions before I part with my cash:
Is the data density on the 320GB drives the same at the 500GB drives thus providing the same output speeds?
Are there any other drives from other manufacturers that outperform the new WD AAKS series?
I reached the point where my poor old 74Gb raptor can no longer cope with the 10GB install requirements some games seem to be shipping with now (Damn EA!) and it’s in need of a replacement.
I’m looking at getting a couple of the 320GB AAKS drives and popping them in Rad 0. I’m a previous user of Raid sets so I know all the risks and setup procedures.
I have a few questions before I part with my cash:
Is the data density on the 320GB drives the same at the 500GB drives thus providing the same output speeds?
Are there any other drives from other manufacturers that outperform the new WD AAKS series?