Having been Western Digital's #1 Fan for years, I'm sorry to report on the first drive I ever had to RMA with them.
I used the advance replacement programme which meant they sent the replacement first. Very satisfied with this, the drive arrived about a week later, well packed. However, the drive I have received is quite different.
The drive itself was one of those with the silver 'lid' on it which I haven't seen for some time (the recent drives all have black 'lids' from my experience). That got me thinking that the drive wasn't exactly a brand new replacement. When I unpacked it from the sealed anti-static bag I noticed a large amount of scrapes and scuffs along with the 'recertified' label. When I powered it up, it sounded like a jet engine compared with the identical drive I had next to it. Definitely not happy, I phoned them and the exceedingly helpful customer service rep immediately arranged yet another replacement to be sent.
I have just received the new replacement and I can't believe it. My initial satisfaction from seeing a black 'lid' drive was offset by yet more scuffs and scrapes on the drive itself along with a white sticky label stuck to the side over one of the screw holes (with a hole where the screw went through it) with 12/04 scrawled on the label. There was also a large amount of dust in the various crevices so I'm absolutely certain this drive has been used for a long period of time. I have just fired off an e-mail of complaint to the customer service department demanding a brand new replacement.
When you have just returned a drive which has stopped operating properly, how can you possibly trust a replacement drive which is clearly 2nd hand? If you don't know the age and condition of a drive, how can you possibly trust your data on it?
Oh, and in an earlier e-mail from Western Digital about the first replacement drive, the customer rep stated "We never replace with 2nd hand drives. We never repair drives, we always replace them. We replace with new product, but product that continues the warranty of the original drive. Therefore we put 'recertified' on the drives so they cannot be sold as new"
Not happy . . .