Western Digital SATAT SecureConnect power question

23 Aug 2006
Western Digital SATA SecureConnect power question

OK noob alert lol

This is my first SATA hd and im a bit confused about what power connection to use!

The drive has a SecureConnect cable, so do i need to get a molex to SATA connection cable converter so i can then plug in the SATA connection from my power supply, or can i plug in the molex power cable straight from the power supply into the drive?


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Yep, I have the secure connect cable, what confused me is that it says on the western digital site:
Important compatibility note: When using the WD SecureConnect cable, you must use the legacy power adapter because the SecureConnect cable utilizes the SATA power port to provide additional stability.
I read that and it looked like it was saying to buy a molex to SATA power cable converter !

thanks for the quick reply smids :)
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