Westernisation and culture

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
.......is explained as
Westernization is a process whereby non-western societies come under the influence of Western culture in such matters as industry, technology, law, politics, economics, lifestyle, diet, language, alphabet, religion or values. Westernization has been a pervasive and accelerating influence across the world in the last few centuries. It is usually a two-sided process, in which western influences and interests themselves are joined by a wish of at least parts of the affected society to change towards a more westernized society, in the hope of attaining western life or some aspects of it.
.....in wiki.

while culture is
Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate"), generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity.

So if cultivating a general pattern of human activity which can also incude process of westernisaiton and what not...why is it then that westernisation is seen as a problem in certain area e.g Middle east, certain african countries and some religious organisation?

Surely the making of culture must have taken years and perhaps we are seeing the making of another one via westernisation etc. what am trying to ask is perhaps westernisation is not such a bad thing as we may perhaps be withnessing the birth of new culture and possibly tradition right across the world.
Welshy said:
They see Westernisation as a problem because it contradicts their right to be sexists, bigamists, animals, killers and terrorists.

That would be if they (a particular culture or tradition of a place) is adopting the WHOLE of the western way of life.

Say for example, you see Osama Bin Laden on a video tape shouting death to america yet he is clothe and dressed in things that are from the west and probably gonna kill the west with a western-made weapon......surely, the west cant be that bad...
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