We've now outdone Spinal Tap - bloody drummers


The latest drummer has just given us 6 weeks notice :(
We're just a breeding ground for poachers :(

It seems that every one of them are money motivated and want the most out of one gig.
We average out about 5/6 gigs a month and the last four drummers have left because they were getting about a 20% rise per gig eg Instead of £40 they would get £50.
Two of the four joined bands where they have an average of one gig a month :eek: so do the homework.
Our latest drummer is leaving for a band which the members are known to wander off every couple of months to new ventures so good luck to him..
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hilly said:
best drummer I have heard for ages is a drummer called Ritchie, he's blind and plays wit hthe "Notourious Brothers".

I have heard that name before and I've heard good things about them.
Didn't know the drummer was blind though.

Just had a drummer on the phone who said he'd love to join us and splitting the money five ways is not a problem.
We'll have to see how good he is now.

The drummer came up to audition tonight and he was 9/10. He said that money isn't a problem and he's wanted to join us for ages. We're going to make him sign a contract to stay with us for at least two years :D

Anyway, a tip for you young musos going to auditions -

Last year this same guy came to audition for us and he was awful. He hadn't got a clue what we did and didn't know any of the songs we played. We had a hard time going from A to B in a song let alone the C, D and E's.
Tonight he came knowing 15 of our songs and played them really well. Yes there were mistakes but theres a major difference between mistakes and not knowing.

So, just like a Boy Scout, 'Be prepared' when going to auditions because you'll be surprised how many people aren't.
VeNT said:
I'm not a drummer but I can hit things really hard and do that drummer look (you know, that blank look they get when they have nothing to hit)
does that count?
also I'm no-where near you.

Best offer we've had.
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