Second homes are already taxed.
If you make them unviable. People will simply leave the UK and take their money with them.
Would cause a massive crash to the point UK would drop out of the top 5 in terms of GDP to possibly even out the top 10.
A lot of people need two homes. For work as an example. Also by destroying the rental market you would make a lot of people homeless who even with lower prices don't have savings to buy.
Funny how people with money consistently say, "You can't change the way the game is played, it will destroy society as we know it."
This has happened every single time people at the bottom were given thrown a bone. "You can't introduce minimum wage, it will destroy businesses up and down the country." "You can't give workers rights, it will destroy businesses up and down the country." "You can't free the slaves," etc, etc, etc.
The money many BTL landlords have is given them by the renters. How can they "take their money with them" when they leave? The only money they have is what they've leeched from the renter classes. The renter classes won't follow their BTL masters when they leave (may the door hit them hard on the ass as they do).
There is a problem with corporate home ownership. It's happening in parts of the US right now, where entire areas are being bought up by massive investment funds, purely for the rental income. And they are putting rents up and up and up and forcing people out of their homes, because they can. It's become (in the US) a massive, massive problem in some parts. And no doubt it would happen here too, because we similarly lack laws to prevent business ownership of residential property.
However there is
literally no point in even discussing this. We are facing Tory rule with no end in sight. Labour are a shambles and will not see office again for decades. The Tories are the future, short and long-term, and they will not penalise 2nd/3rd/4th/10th home ownership. It's pure fantasy expecting the Tories to curb profiteering off a very limited resources like land or property. All things exist to make profit, esp for them and their mates. They all have massive property portfolios, as do a lot of Labour MPs. All charlatans, all bent as a dog's back leg.
This country is not a socialist country neither to people in this country care about social cohesion or the welfare of the common man. We've been bred for the dog-eat-dog lifestyle; it's all we know.
Personally I look forwards to the return to Victorian conditions for the working poor. At some point I'm hopefully going to put my money where my mouth is and leave this shrine to dog-eat-dog selfishness that we call a country. I hate how skewed everything is to those with no principles. I hate how our politicians manage a veneer of respectability despite being as bent as any you could find in Afghanistan. I hate how none of the parties care about society, and most of that stems from how little the electorate care about each other. Every man for himself, that's the British way.