What an extra CD-Drive..

18 Mar 2006
Tip my PSU over the edge?

I've heard mixed things on the PSU I have, I've heard from a lot of people it's absolutely fine for my rig, some people have said it's just about fine and other's have said it's not good enough...

In your opinion could I add a CD-Drive to my rig (simply wanna play RA2 without the stop and loading issues with a DVD drive :() or will I need a better PSU?

And if my PSU will be okay, can anyone recommend a good one? Cheers.

Oh ffs, that is supposed to say 'Would' in the title not 'What' :o ..
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Im really not to sure, I would have thought it would be fine to be honest.
But with the CD issues stopping have you ever thought of just creating an image of the CD on your harddrive?
Takes like 5 minutes.

But I think it'll be fine on that PSU. Wait for someone elses opinion first however.

mc_bob said:
2 main image creating softwares are Alchohol 120% and Daemon Tools.


So I assume once I've burnt the image I'll be able to play the game from my hard drive thus no stop and starting due to loading?
It will still need to load, but it will be quicker. You mount the image on a virtual drive. Its straight forward and will make sense when you do it ;)

Hlebio said:
So I assume once I've burnt the image I'll be able to play the game from my hard drive thus no stop and starting due to loading?
Unless its some other problems. Image on disk really fly, espeically loading in the game. 'tis what saved me from having to get another optical drive. Now have most of my games stored nicely on 1 partition don't have to go looking for CD/s, which are now neatly stored in the cases safely somewhere :D
Pah won't work... :(

Just keep getting disc read errors.. probably because of the condition of the CD? (it's my mates :p)
Dr Jones said:
You can always do a "Full Install" and use a Game Backup Crack. Way smaller than a CD image - www.gamecopyworld.com
(NOTE: Only use it if you own the original CDs, I'm not here to promote Piracy Yarrrg.)

I do indeed.

I'll give that a go.. although at a guess I reckon I'll lose the mission movies and perhaps the sound?
Hlebio said:
Pah won't work... :(

Just keep getting disc read errors.. probably because of the condition of the CD? (it's my mates :p)
If using Alcohol 120%, this could just be the protection system (SafeDisc/SecuROM), perfectly normal & means its working/cloning :)
hp7909 said:
If using Alcohol 120%, this could just be the protection system (SafeDisc/SecuROM), perfectly normal & means its working/cloning :)


That is a pic of what it's doing..

If this is normal it's going to take a long time.. :eek: It's taken about 5 minutes to get to 0.8%!
Hlebio said:
I'll give that a go.. although at a guess I reckon I'll lose the mission movies and perhaps the sound?

If you do a Full/Complete installation, you'd not lose any movie or sound.
I've done it on many games - the only time it loads from original CD is to "check" if it's there.
Hlebio said:
That is a pic of what it's doing..

If this is normal it's going to take a long time.. :eek: It's taken about 5 minutes to get to 0.8%!
1st check here. Then run with appropriate Datatype & sit back, might take a-while! Like I said, Read Errors could be the protection which Alcohol 120% nicely puts with the image to make it work :) Sometimes, the image file of the CD/game that is made is bigger than (a) CD/DVD because of including this vital info ;)
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