What are most original and highly rated TV/Series you've ever seen?

True Blood. Plenty of Vampire/supernatural TV shows before this. But the way True Blood did it, with the jokes, sex, blood/gore, was pretty unique.

Loved this scene in the first episode with Lafayette, arleen and Suki. Hilarious, and mostly improv.

Yes! The way they created the atmosphere and tension is also great. I think it went downhill after season 2 or 3 though.
I’m quite prepared to be proved wrong and shot down in flames, but I’ll go out on a limb and say that anyone who says that he/she didn’t like “The Wire”, either didn’t give it a chance, or decided that they wouldn’t like it before first watching it.
I’m not for one minute saying that it was the best thing to ever grace our TVs, but it was more than pretty damned good.
me and my partner watched the entire first season. neither of us knew anything about it. neither of us wanted to see season 2.
me and my partner watched the entire first season. neither of us knew anything about it. neither of us wanted to see season 2.

Fair enough, thanks for the input, these things are all subjective, just because I thought that it well written and acted, it doesn’t naturally follow that everyone will feel the same way.
e.g. “Prison Break” a few years ago, my wife raved about it, but it left me cold, I think that I saw part of the first episode, and that was it, I never went back.
Fair enough, thanks for the input, these things are all subjective, just because I thought that it well written and acted, it doesn’t naturally follow that everyone will feel the same way.
e.g. “Prison Break” a few years ago, my wife raved about it, but it left me cold, I think that I saw part of the first episode, and that was it, I never went back.
we struggled to understand what the black gang members were saying a lot of the time. i dont think that helped our opinion any.
we struggled to understand what the black gang members were saying a lot of the time. i dont think that helped our opinion any.

Fair enough, you weren’t the only ones I guess, both my wife and I had spent a lot of time in Southern Maryland, Northern Virginia and D.C., and thought that we were au fait with the vernacular, but many times we had to put the subtitles on.
It’s hard enough trying to keep up with the storylines, without constantly rehashing in your mind what some character(s) might have said which may have been vital to the story.
we struggled to understand what the black gang members were saying a lot of the time. i dont think that helped our opinion any.

It's pretty hard going at first...I can totally see why people don't get into it. In fact I think I initially bounced off it a couple of times. You kinda need to learn the lingo and my Berkshire upbringing didn't equip me to understand the dialect of Baltimore projects at first :D It's definitely worth persevering with.

Each series is quite a change in tone, with a distinct setting and theme.
Peaky Blinders, great style, good story, great cinematography and tunes that fit the scene perfectly.
Question seems to be a bit muddled as the most original show and the most highly rated seem like different criteria and I think a few answers are people just naming their favorite show(s).

In terms of innovation, I thought Peep Show was very original, shooting the whole thing from the character's POV, having the commentary/their inner monologue etc..

In terms of highly rated, I'd go with the fairly standard answer here of: the wire.
It starts and stops at Twin Peaks for me. No show stylistically has come close since then, apart from season 3. It pretty much introduced movie style cinematography to long for TV and the mood/tone has never since been replicated to quite the same degree despite multiple attempts (Wayward Pines, Riverdale, True Detective etc.).

Having said that, Dark gave me similar feels but for different reasons.
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