What are the 60 plus gamers playing?

If I'm still able to play games at 60 I'll be very happy : - )

All joking, I think its brilliant that people of all ages enjoy gaming. Its great to know that just like movies, music etc, gaming is enjoyed by those of all ages, and its continuing to get even bigger with the older generation

Sure, online against the younger ones is harder due to their reaction times, but so what. Long as everyone is still playing and enjoying it then its all good.
My dads nearly 60. At the moment hes playing some sort of online golf game but he's decided that when he's off he's going to start the witcher series again from the beginning
It really surprises me how a lot of over 60's are at a complete loss when it comes to computers. I studied them at University and was exposed to them at school.
I blame books for too many people with not enough time to learn newer technology. ;-)
I'm not quite there yet (59) but I've so far put over 500 hours into Fallout 4 and when I'm done with that I will be starting a second play through of Witcher 3 and the DLC.
Step dad is around that age, he loves COD / Sniper Elite and so on! Glad I converted him from console gaming all those years ago :D Not that he'll do multiplayer.
All joking, I think its brilliant that people of all ages enjoy gaming. Its great to know that just like movies, music etc, gaming is enjoyed by those of all ages, and its continuing to get even bigger with the older generation

That doesn't make sense, the older generation were playing games before you.
Many decades ago I was having parties with us playing for money on an Atari 2600 and Mattel Intellivision.
If you love gaming, start looking after your fingers, wrists, neck and back etc right now. When you're old, you might not be able to go outside and as much, but being able to play games, and exist online, could be the difference between a sad existence and a happy one. My biggest fear is not being able to use a PC due to health issues like arthritis and others.

I once played Everquest when I was like 12 years old and grouped with an 80 odd year old. He mentioned that he was lucky that he 1) new about video gaming and it's potential for non-physical recreation and social interaction and 2) didn't have arthritis or anything that prevented him from using a keyboard/mouse. Other people his age were just sitting in front of a TV all day.
That doesn't make sense, the older generation were playing games before you.
Many decades ago I was having parties with us playing for money on an Atari 2600 and Mattel Intellivision.

I'm 43, so I'm not young and I was playing on all those systems you just listed as a child - I was around 10 years old lol, and I think you mis-understood me. Instead of older game players putting the gamepad down, they are in fact getting even more into gaming, and there are many ways for them to do this..

Mobile phones, tablets, consoles, PCs /Macs etc.. Some past-times for those that get older do get given up as they get older, I won't list them, but like Music, Movies etc, games are continued to be enjoyed by all, and its getting bigger all the time.

It does make sense, its an easy to pick up past-time. Well, I know what I mean even if you didn't - either way its all good. : - )
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