What are the 60 plus gamers playing?

If you love gaming, start looking after your fingers, wrists, neck and back etc right now. When you're old, you might not be able to go outside and as much, but being able to play games, and exist online, could be the difference between a sad existence and a happy one. My biggest fear is not being able to use a PC due to health issues like arthritis and others.

I once played Everquest when I was like 12 years old and grouped with an 80 odd year old. He mentioned that he was lucky that he 1) new about video gaming and it's potential for non-physical recreation and social interaction and 2) didn't have arthritis or anything that prevented him from using a keyboard/mouse. Other people his age were just sitting in front of a TV all day.

Totally, provided you have ability in your hands then gaming is enjoyable at all ages, and your post proved my point. Football for example, its not something an 80 year old would do but as the BBC article showed, provided you can still grip the gamepad correctly nothing stopping you playing fifa on PC or console instead.
Back in my WoW days there was a lady who was late 50's grandmother who had 6 70's (TBC days) and was the guild raid leader for healers :p

Lovely lady.

Reminds me of this story from one of the GW2 devs:

Anet_Rubi said:
My second-favorite in-person encounter happened at Eurogamer a few years ago. We had lots of demo stations and I was working the floor in between livestream sessions. I noticed an elderly lady hovering at the edge of the demo floor, sort of hesitantly eyeing the stations, so I headed over to offer my help.

I asked her if she wanted to check the game out and told her that as soon as a demo station opened up I'd be happy to guide her through getting started. She leveled this look at me and said "Honey, I have nine level 80s."

I want to be her when I grow up.

My aunts other half is 70 he loves playing GTA - but on console, but still. He sits in his conservatory till 4am some days playing it.
I once played Everquest when I was like 12 years old and grouped with an 80 odd year old. He mentioned that he was lucky that he 1) new about video gaming and it's potential for non-physical recreation and social interaction and 2) didn't have arthritis or anything that prevented him from using a keyboard/mouse. Other people his age were just sitting in front of a TV all day.

Whereas he'd upgraded to sitting in front of a computer monitor all day! :D

Some of us don't have a choice, though. I'm probably not going to be able to play games like DOOM when I'm 60 because the tendons in my left forearm are wearing out due to hyperextension.
Hello All,

64 here and been into games for the last 30 years. Got interested in computers when I bought my first one and took it to bits to find out how it works and re-built it and it worked. Since then I have built my own computers and now have a top of the range self-built one. Have 60 odd games on ssd's and a hard drive but love the flight sims and believe it or not Euro Truck Simulator 2 which is so addictive, my collection spans over the last few years and still collecting.
I am 70+ and have only recently started playing computer games.

Being new to gaming I am dabbling in various genres. I have played the original Call of Duty and I am currently playing Resident Evil / Biohazard HD Remake. I am part way through Hacknet and have started Life is Strange.
I have just turned 60. Had a new computer a few weeks ago which means I can play games with a lot of eye candy.
Currently playing Dark star one, Cities skyline, The golf club, and still go back to the Total War series.
My son bought me Elite Dangerous, I have tried and tried but cant get to grips with it.
Sometimes I find my attention span lacking.....oh well keep taking the tablets
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