What are the benefits of hiring a lawyer when writing a will

We paid £350, a couple of years ago for a fairly simple will from a good local firm of soliciters. They usually have at least one partner who is skilled in the ins and outs and can ask the right questions of you. It should be bulletproof with the concept of who the proceeds are left too if the next direct generation predecease the writer, are they shared between nephews and nieces etc. Do they go to to worthy causes. Try and reduce the wrangling amongst siblings etc.
Hagar makes a good point - bulletproof.

John next door has made a very simple Will because he only has one son and no grandchildren.
There are no siblings to get involved.

My Mum wanted her 3 Grandchildren to have money but one of them is to get more (there are very valid reasons for this and they won't argue about it).
She also wanted me and my Sister to get different amounts, she gets 66% and I get 33%, once again very valid reasons and when it was read I was quite upset because I thought I should get less. My Sister said it is binding so I have got to see how I can share a bit of that wealth with her to make me feel better but I know she won't.
There are also 3 other parties who are to get £1000 each.
In this case she needed a will that was bulletproof and I know the McMillan arranged it for free.
You can get a simple will for little or nothing.

Cheap and Free Wills
IIRC it can be from about £75-150 up, my brother, father and I all updated our wills after my mother died and it cost ~£400 for all three but that's with the firm my father has used for 50 odd years.

It's worth getting it at least looked over by a solicitor vs doing it yourself as they are trained to ask the right questions, and know how to word it to avoid complications.[/QUOTE
Cheers both:)
Well im strapped for cash and time so i just scribbled on a piece of A4: "when im dead give all my crap to xxxx"
Lost the paper i wrote on so next time i will have to email myself the will.
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