What are the daddy of all 5.1s?

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi Guys,

Ive been umming and ahhhing for ages now regards a speaker system and had my heart set on some z-5400s until I found out they were EOL :/

Anyway years ago the Videologic Digitheatres used to be the best, now the Z-5500s are - any ideas what might replace them?

I know the Z-5500s have been around for a few years so guessing Logitech may be refreshing them - whats the chance of it happening soon?

I think I need to have inputs to support my PC (guess analogue to get all the EAX goodness), PS3 (optical) and a new HDTV (32" 1080p - hopefully digital too) and the normal mp3 player connections...

Think I should just bite the bullet and get the Z-5500s? Prefer the Z-5400s tbh just because they werent as loud - perhaps Logitech will replace them?!?...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Haven't heard anything about them replacing the Z-5500's, last thing they announced was some 2.1 (or 0 speakers) I think.

You'll be happy if you go for the Z-5500's though, I'm not too fussed if they replace them, only had them for a few months myself, hardly ever even have them at 1/4 volume. :eek: (4 bars is bloody loud!)
The Z-5500's are fantastic, although frustration is guaranteed if you want to mount them to rear stands. That aside, they sound fantastic and look fantastic so you can't go wrong really.
Thinking more about this Im really after sound quality reproduction rather than how quickly i can get my ear drums to pop - considering that should I really get the Z-5500s (my reasoning to get the lower model really) or consider spending that £200 on a hi-fi setup...

Though I cant see £200 going a long way and whatever people think the Z-5xx0s are fine as normal speakers...

ps3ud0 :cool:
when you have that sort of budget, the logi's are pretty much as good as you'll get if you must have surround sound. £200 would buy you a great stereo amp and speakers though
Thinking more about this Im really after sound quality reproduction rather than how quickly i can get my ear drums to pop - considering that should I really get the Z-5500s (my reasoning to get the lower model really) or consider spending that £200 on a hi-fi setup...

Though I cant see £200 going a long way and whatever people think the Z-5xx0s are fine as normal speakers...

ps3ud0 :cool:

To be honest I don't have my Z-5500's on loud that often, I mainly got them because they were fairly cheap, had great reviews and allowed me to connect my 360 and PS3, oh and of course they are 5.1.

I think the sound quality is great, even for casual use whether it be music or browsing the web, I don't think you can beat the Z-5500's for the price. (5.1 that is)
The thing is I dont know what kind of budget you need for hi-fi, other than it can be quite considerable - I just want 5.1 for movies and games and only need to power an average sized room and have the connections I advised above

Just want it as 'future proofed' as possible - so I guess I need to really invest in the amp. If its nearer £500 I just cant justify the expense as Im not that much of an audiophile (why I plomped for the best PC speakers really)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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The thing is I dont know what kind of budget you need for hi-fi, other than it can be quite considerable - I just want 5.1 for movies and games and only need to power an average sized room and have the connections I advised above

Just want it as 'future proofed' as possible - so I guess I need to really invest in the amp. If its nearer £500 I just cant justify the expense as Im not that much of an audiophile (why I plomped for the best PC speakers really)...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I have a pretty small room and if anything the Z-5500 are way too much, they are seriously loud, I mean the volume has about 24 bars or so, at 5 it's what I consider very loud, heaven forbid you go past the max amount of bars and into "Boost" mode. :eek:

Might wanna check some reviews too;

Bah Ive turned this into a z-5500 thread :p

Anyway did any of you guys have concerns regards the problems you hear with the z5500s? The pops and fuses and the like? To me that sounds like poor QC and why I was hoping for a newer model with these fixes. I know Logitechs support is top-notch in such circumstances but Id rather not have to go down that route..

Supposedly the z-5400s were a later model that didnt exhibit the same issues...

ps3ud0 :cool:
the only problem i can see is the lack of midrange grunt, which is something you are going to find with all sat+sub combos. tbh you could spend a grand easily on a proper surround setup and a lot more if you had the budget, but its all down to what you want to spend. the logi's will give you just about the cheapest way to fill your room with surround sound. but if you want quality, id stick to stereo, or at least start with stereo.
Got 2 friends with the Z5500s. Both are on there second set after the sub fuse popping on them. (I know the housemate's set was being blasted out at near full volume at a house party)
They do sound great for games (and I imagine films too, although personally haven't heard anything other than games + music on them in my flatmates room)

For musical quality they lack mid range in relation to a Amp+speakers setup (as james.miller) has already pointed out. But despite this; for games and films etc I would choose surround over stereo.

I've got the Z5500's baby brothers, the G51's - they are really lacking in overall punch compared to the z5500s and overall sound quality to my Cambridge Audio Stereo amp + speakers. Even so I far prefer sitting in the middle of my 5.1 set for films and games. In this case - more = better for me.

If you get the Z5500s, make sure you have room for the sub - Its MAHOOSIVE. :p
Bah Ive turned this into a z-5500 thread :p

Anyway did any of you guys have concerns regards the problems you hear with the z5500s? The pops and fuses and the like? To me that sounds like poor QC and why I was hoping for a newer model with these fixes. I know Logitechs support is top-notch in such circumstances but Id rather not have to go down that route..

Heard of them issues but still went for them, haven't heard of it happening too often and I think most cases were down to them being blasted at full volume for long durations, hopefully it won't effect me. :p

Great quality piece of kit for the price.
Personally I heard turning the Z-5500's off at the Sub is what causes the fuses to blow. I've never turned mine off at the sub and they are working fine :p
Unfortunately I want/need optical as Ill be eventually connecting to a PS3, also the TV I want (TX-32LZD85) has a digital connection - only the PC will be connected via analogue...

Gah Id better start saving - though I need to really make the room ready for 5.1 :p.

Does it matter where in the vertical plane a speaker is placed?

ps3ud0 :cool:
the G51's are basically the X-530/540's in new (different shaped) Shells. they have a max power output of about 60W combined.

they're nothing like the Z-5500's which are actually decent speakers.
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I purchased the G51's last month and thankfully the sub and centre speaker stopped working after only 36 hours. I knew I made a mistake buying these when they were replacing a hi-fi. The bass was overpowering and boomy and the treble was harsh and lets not forget the lack of midrange.

Personally I'd go for seperates. Use your budget to lay a foundation for what you can afford and over time add the sub, centre and perhaps another amp to drive more speakers for the rears. Failing that, if you must have 5.1 now then I suppose you really have only one option.
I purchased the G51's last month and thankfully the sub and centre speaker stopped working after only 36 hours. I knew I made a mistake buying these when they were replacing a hi-fi. The bass was overpowering and boomy and the treble was harsh and lets not forget the lack of midrange.

Personally I'd go for seperates. Use your budget to lay a foundation for what you can afford and over time add the sub, centre and perhaps another amp to drive more speakers for the rears. Failing that, if you must have 5.1 now then I suppose you really have only one option.

We're talking about Z-5500 though, not G51's.

As for treble, that's one thing the Z-5500 most certainly do have, as for overpowering bass then yeah, on some songs it can be overpowering...but you can turn the subwoofer down.
Are the z-5500 better then my z-680 or about the same??

other than being newer, i don't thing there's any appreciable difference between the Z-680's and the Z-5500's sound wise.

obviously, the Z-5500's have the small control-whatsit with a screen, but thats really just cosmetics.
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