What are the daddy of all 5.1s?

other than being newer, i don't thing there's any appreciable difference between the Z-680's and the Z-5500's sound wise.

obviously, the Z-5500's have the small control-whatsit with a screen, but thats really just cosmetics.

Isn't the Z-680's subwoofer 8", whereas the Z-5500's is 10"?
I have had a set of Z680s for over 5 years now, in all that time (touches wood) I have only had one fuse blow. I have the subwoofer only turned up half a notch, but I find that this is enough for all kinds of listeneing and not to be over-powering.

If you did a blind test between the Z5500s and Z680's I very much doubt if you could tell the difference.
Thought Id update this thread that Ive just got a new set of Z5400s sorted for £140 so Im very pleased :D...

I just didnt need the power of the Z5500s and it seems Logitech fixed a couple of bugs when they made the z5400s (no subwoofer pops) and thought the extra optical input would be useful. Ill let you know how I get on with them as my only foray above 2.1 has been a set of Medusa cans...

Will complement my Prelude perfectly and Ill probably end up getting a set of Senns HD555/595 to round off the combination...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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I think it was just due to the design of the control centre and at the time of production it was only the PS2 and high end amps that utilised such connections...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I am using the creative labs G550W £190 and there fantastic incredible sound quality as long as you have a good sound card my brother has the Z-5500 and out of the two his has the edge, they look cool. The subwoofer on the z5500 weights about the same as a family car with the family in it and its big a bit to
big. I would not change mine over as the g550w are good very good and it dose help not having wires running from the PC to the rear as the W stands for wireless which is not quite true the front centre and sub plug in as you would any 5.1 syst, but the rear speakers are wired to a receiver which needs a plug point.
So if you want to save some money get the Z-5500
Can't recommend the HD-555's highly enough - they're the first affordable audiphile grade headphones I've used.

I 'downgraded' from 5.1 to 2.1 a while back, as my new desk doesn't have enough room. Went from Creative G500's to Accoustic Energy Aego M 2.1's. Must admit I was totally blown away by the difference. I think partly it's the design ethos - AE are a hi-fi speaker specialist, Creative make computer speakers. With the AE's I can still make walls move if I have to, but the range is so much clearer. Creative seem to concentrate on bass to the exclusion of everything else (I was hearing things in the mids that just weren't there with the G500's).
Funny you should say that - I was contemplating getting the Aego 5.1s for the same reason - then I saw the price tag :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Personally I heard turning the Z-5500's off at the Sub is what causes the fuses to blow. I've never turned mine off at the sub and they are working fine :p

ditto :)

you hear a lot of threads with people with problems with them, but they are owned by a lot of people

they have a two year warranty on them mind :)

my left speaker went weird after about 9 months (only works sometimes) it's in my living room and you don't notice it that often, was given a full refund as it wasn't in stock, i can't bring myself to spend £180 on another full set when it's just one speaker (the speaker itself works ok, either the sub or the control box has a fault)

would recommend them to anyone :), they're a massive step up from the £100 creative's i had before that
adrichardson81 your on the ball, creative dose concentrate to much on bass and when I turn the volume 3/4 of the way with all the bass settings down and it still shakes the plaster from the walls, but I do use them for game play more than music, but that said the sound in games is mind blowing.
These speakers were a gift the G550W if I was going to spend my money I don't think I would have gone for the creative as I have always used Logitech and never had a problem even a £50 set. but I did have a lot of trouble with the G550W the first set did not work the sub was up the spout so RMA along came
a new one and it lasted a week then that stop working RMA all in all it took about 8 weeks from the day I received the first set. my brother had a set to also the same problem he RMA 1 set that came back and did not work so he got in touch with OCUK who were very helpful as always and changed from the G550W to the logitech Z-5500 which worked with no problems at all.
But there's so many variables when it comes PC speakers it's all about there main purpose mine is game play and these are top notch.
Personally I heard turning the Z-5500's off at the Sub is what causes the fuses to blow. I've never turned mine off at the sub and they are working fine :p

Why did they create one then... I've been using that all the time. As they still hum at night when on standby. Very silently but you still hear it when the room has no movement.

Enjoy. :)

The Z-5500 not having 2 optical inputs is rather strange! I ended up buying a 3 way switch which does the trick.

I ordered one of those hubs as well, it was driving me nuts having to have one machine analog, another optical and the other coaxial. Not the way I wanted it setup. Now I'll be able to have the PC with 5.1 analog and the rest digital with the flick of a switch.
the G51's are basically the X-530/540's in new (different shaped) Shells. they have a max power output of about 60W combined.

they're nothing like the Z-5500's which are actually decent speakers.

Just reading this oldish thread and felt I had to correct this post.

The G51's output is 155w total - they are in a different league to the X540 model.
thats true enough:) thats measured at 10% distortion though (which most likely the x530/540's are too....probably all of hte logitechs actually). they wouldnt get anywhere near that at normal measurement levels - your porbably looking at closer to 2/3 that figure at the very most. interesting, their choice if using a 2ohm subwoofer, though.
haha it doesnt make a lot of difference if the amp is built to power that load, its only an odd choice because it would typically require a lot more current to power a 2ohm speaker than it would if it were 4 or 8ohm.
The backlight on the volume control is borked on mine, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't at all, sometimes it continually flashes randomly...

Doesn't make a difference in sound quality though, sounds great but above 3/4th volume I can barely hear any increase of volume or bass :(. I'd want something even louder, bassier, and better midtones. Something like 6'' surround speakers each 80w RMS and 2 or 3 of the Z 5500's subs would be nice.
The backlight on the volume control is borked on mine, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't at all, sometimes it continually flashes randomly...

Doesn't make a difference in sound quality though, sounds great but above 3/4th volume I can barely hear any increase of volume or bass :(. I'd want something even louder, bassier, and better midtones. Something like 6'' surround speakers each 80w RMS and 2 or 3 of the Z 5500's subs would be nice.

i just replaced the fronts and rears on my Z5500s with some JBL control 1s and then used a spare logitech speaker to add to the center(2 x centers)1 above and 1 below monitor---midrange=sorted;)..in fact it sounds a very different system indeed (in clarity)
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