What are the must have Vista Sidebar Gadgets?

Unfortunately you'll need to install all the software, then load it, go into file and then preferences and enable the gadget and select which sensors to display. some of the sensors won't show though in the trial version - you will need the paid for version of everest.
when last i used vista i had an invaluable one that allowed sleep / shutdown / restart without having to use the annoying minimenu in the start menu.

I used to have that, but if you configure the power options in the control panel then it allows shut down to be the normal button, so now I've turned the sidebar off.
which version of everest are using to get that?

I'd like to know too, as my everest sidebar looks real boring compared to that. :(


Everest Trial can be downloaded from Here
seems to be so many out there, so what are the ones you use?

Clock, CPU usage/RAM usage monitor, hard drive space, weather, news

The above is what I'd have, along with some other network details and computer details, but my 19" screen really isn't big enough to have the sidebar running, it'd be covered up most of the time.

When I get a 24" I'll use the sidebar :)
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for anyone not familiar with setting up the everest gadget, here is the positioning details for the first gadget on the screenshot i posted.

It can be a bit tricky to configure if your new to it..
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anyone got a decent batter monitor?
The one of the Microsoft websites is pants. You have to kill the gadget and relaunch everytime you turn the computer on. otherwise you just get a white gadget.
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