Belmit said:I can eat more gingerbread than any man alive. I've tried to fill up on it and I can't. I don't know where it goes.
I'm also superb at coming up with witty retorts ninety seconds after the moment has passed.
Davey_Pitch said:You've got yourself a Time Crisis partner right here
I hate to admit it, but I've never played Time CrisisBrightonBelle said:Looking forward to it Davey! Gonna give the Dance Machines a go too - though not in competition with Otacon
BB x
Sexy Betty said:Whooping arse on Mario Kart
Von Smallhausen said:I was a grand master at this game when you were in pampers !
SexyBetty said:And how about now gramps? Put your money where your mouth is!
It seems we should all have a Mario Kart championship. I used to be pretty good. Did I mention I'm extremly modest?Arcade Fire said:I think I could take you.
If not, then my roommate certainly could.
What MK are we talking here? I only play the SNES and N64 versions
I've only played SNES seriously. The "new" versions were rubbish by comparison. Tried too hard.Raymond Lin said:Original SNES version is where its at, have NEVER been beaten. Bring it on !
The pink fluffy character?Lostkat said:I'm curby champion of the world... if anyone actually knows what curby is.