What are you buying your girlfriend/wife for christmas?

Im just getting her a picture of me along with a roger the rabbit thing. Then when im away she can keep a smile on her face. Santa only comes once a year kids :D
Went with:

Hot water bottle
Filofax/organiser (prefers it to a digital type one)
Decent windproof lighter (hates zippo's so had to look around a bit)

Nothing too romantic/etc there but it's all bits she's mentioned she wants/needs/could do with. As a tip: Listen out for the "oh I could really do with a......" from about October onwards. If it's not house related your probably on for a winner and don't have to spend a fortune on something to "show you care".

Bout £30 spent there in total and it'll tick plenty of boxes. There's a couple more as random gifty type things as/if needed. Compared to 50-150 for something amazing and girlie etc I think a bit of attention paid works out a lot better in the pocket for similar results.

A nice photo frame with 4 photos of us in it, and a cuddly toy Pascal from Tangled cause she loves the film :p

Pretty skint and sending to Australia aint cheap :(
Last minute Christmas present for the girlfriend sorted, 5m roll of bubblewrap. I'm definitely going to get some nasty no no for that :cool:
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