What are YOU currently playing?

Just started playing a bit of Streets of Rage 2 that was free on the PSN, has trophies too which is cool. Also gone back to play some Wipeout HD as it was the first game I got and i've barely touched the surface.

My plan is to try and clear my backlog before I get bought any more games at xmas. I'm going to fail miserably though.
Fallout, new Vegas. Loovvvvveeeee the fallout series.


I've got right back into this. Gorgeous stuff.

I've also found myself playing a lot of Dance Central lately which is worrying as I'm 37, white and hetrosexual.

And I'm still playing Jeanne D'Arc on the PSP and it gives me an excuse to go to bed early.
started force unleashed 2 last night, finished force unleashed 2 last night.

started today playing through on unleashed dificulty. half way through.

its a great game its just so bloody short!
I'm hooked on Fallout 3. Gonna get all the gamerscore on this, but it's taking forever! Great game.

Also playing LA Noire on and off.

And Picross on the DS.
Picked up a copy of borderlands on the PS3 for a fiver, was quickly hooked then tried some online co-op and now the other half is constantly having to boot me off to watch some TV, kinda wish I hadn't picked it up now as inFamous 2 is still sitting unopened and now don't want to start it until borderlands is done.
Forza Motorsport 3.

it never gets old for me, latest car project was built up a standard evo 8 fq-400, spec it up a bit for B500 - bit more power, wider and slick tyres and a bit lighter. stick a few fq-400 stickers on it and tear up the B class lobbies. having quite a few wins it it :D
Back on GT5 after a few months break, and it's sucked me right in again. Just a shame I don't get as much gaming time as I would like:(

And, on pc, I've gone a bit old school, making a return to C&C Generals. Probably my favourite/most played game of all time!
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